Request for review: GSM phone hardware introduction

Hopsing K hopsingk at
Sat Apr 17 09:17:25 CEST 2010

Hi, I'd like to put suggest something: There is a gpl opensource
soc framework called grlib at It has a sparcv8 cpu
at its heart and supports many configurations/boards, spartan, virtex,
cyclon and
actel devices (also asic targets..). All the peripherals to build up
a capable platform  are there, s/sd/ddr memctrl, ethernet etc.
Also a nonintrusive debug  support unit with ethernet link etc.
All around an AMBA bus. Now I wonder:
The ursp2 is supplied in verilog at gnuradio,
the analog expansion boards can be ordered at etus or build
self, the analog boards dont seem to be that complex... So why not
add the usrp2 verilog parts as amba-peripherals  to the grlib
framework and then run the whole system on a fpga? I'd be able
to help here also...
-- Greetings Konrad

2010/4/13 Harald Welte <laforge at>

> Hi!
> I've written an introductory text on GSM mobile phone architecture,
> and before officially posting/announcing it, I thought I'd invite
> the members of this list to do some review and give feedback!
> --
> - Harald Welte <laforge at>
> ============================================================================
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