using BTSAP from layer23

Sébastien Lorquet squalyl at
Mon Aug 23 13:42:45 CEST 2010


The startup is not complicated and no 'official' sequence is defined.
You must power up the card, then reset  it and read the ATR.
Then, a PPS exchange can optionally be done (please refer to ISO7816-3 or
GSM 11.11) to optimize the transfer speed with the SIM.

Please also include a provision for sending additional startup apdus (or at
least one), such as SELECT APPLICATION apdus. However, this is not required
for a standard SIM or in a preliminary version.

When this project started, we mentioned the ability to route the SIM
requests to a standard PCSC reader via pcsclite.
Please include this ability in your code, along with communication with the
embedded sim reader.
This will be very useful when we'll be ready to use our own sim cards (I'm
--part-part-time-- working on this).


PS: don't forget that communication with a card is always part of exchanges.
The ATR always accompanies the reset operation, and the response apdu is
always linked to the command apdu.

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Andreas.Eversberg <
Andreas.Eversberg at> wrote:

> hi,
> i am current writing the sim client for layer23. this client transforms
> the read and update requests from layer 3 (imsi read, location update)
> into several APDUs to be transferred via BTSAP interface. (interface to
> layer 1) here are two questions:
> how do i interface to this BTSAP? i see that there is another unix
> socket for that. do i need to expand main.c of layer23?
> i think that i cannot just start sending APDUs after starting layer23.
> there might be something like an initialization sequence before:
> - power on
> - reset
> - get atr
> - ...
> - send APDU
> - receive APDU
> - ...
> is there a defined sequence or flow chart for that?
> regards,
> andreas
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