MT6235/6140 and MT6516?

Duane Lew duanelew at
Wed Dec 8 15:17:38 CET 2010

Dear Members,

     I incidentally see your development of linux drivers for
MT6235/6140 chipset(the sciphone G2), and wanna share my 50 cents: The
year 2009 released AP+BB monolithic chip MT6156 from mediatek is an
ARM9 AP + ARM7 BB (the old MT6235 is ARM9 AP, MT6140 is ARM7 BB),
considering the timeline of mediatek processors, it should be
conjectured that MT6516 is a combination of these two chips.  They
already have Windows mobile 6.5 drivers mature for MT6516, and they
have android drivers (not only driver but the whole system image),
which might be an important referenece for developing MT6235 linux
drivers.  So I believe it's a good idea to ask MTK for its MT6516
linux driver and see what can be ported.

Best for all,

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