Project hardware question

Steve Markgraf steve at
Thu Jul 1 00:29:35 CEST 2010


At 30.06.2010 23:33, Drasko DRASKOVIC wrote:

> So, I was wondering:
> 1) Which would be best to have to start with, as the most supported target ?

Well, most people have the C123, but the C155 is equally well supported.
The C115/C117 is almost identical with the C123 and will work very good 
as well.

> 2) Where I can get this phone quickly and easily ?

There are many phones one eBay, and some sellers in Europe who sell them 
brand new.

> 3) What additional equipment is needed (how do you flash the software
> and how do you debug) ?

For all this you need simple serial cable:

Currently we're loading the software to the phone ram, starting it from 
there, execution from flash is in the works (prom/loader branch).

Please look a bit around at the wiki, since most questions will 
straighten out then.

> 4) Is there some software simulator in which I could see what is
> happening and how the SW works without actual HW equipment ?

So far, no.


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