Building Osmocom

Frank A. Stevenson frank at
Sun Jun 6 09:37:38 CEST 2010

On Sun, 2010-06-06 at 10:47 +0500, Zaki Ud Din wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a little new to ubuntu and am trying to build osmocom-bb but i am
> facing some problems in doing so. I found your emial address in the .c
> files present in the Osmocom-bb folder. I have downloaded the GNU
> toolchain for ARM which is the first step in building Osmocom. But I
> am not able to understand the second step in which I have to set a
> path to include the arm-elf-* executables of the toolchain. Would you
> please help me on this?
> Awaiting your response,
> Zaki.

I used an existing gnuarm toolchain that I had compiled long time ago,
but I think this step may be unnecessary for for most users. When I
tried repeating this step on another PC - Ubuntu threw up a a series of
dependency errors between G++ and binutils, and I just didn't bother
with recompiling the gnuarm chain again. I could probably have copied it
from one machine to the other, but the simplest route was simply copying
the layer1 bin file across.

I have put my build here:

Then all you have to do is
make osmocon
make layer23

And you have the executables you need to get started.


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