l1test without hdlc (sercomm)

Rust, Marco marco.rust at fokus.fraunhofer.de
Mon Jun 21 23:48:13 CEST 2010



I want to use the power measurements from the l1test in the phone. Therefore I modified the program so only the PM is done and additional some averaging and so on.

Finally the information should be sent to an microcontroller over UART. There is the problem: I don't know how to use this HDLC sercomm stuff because I don't have time to understand AND implement it for my thesis in the µc-part. I need a quick dirty hack to deactivate this HDLC. I don't find it in code and tried some hours.


I tried "uart_putchar_wait()" and hterm shows me that the bytes are sent with a lot other stuff.


What is the easiest way working for me? 


Thanks a lot.




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