status layer 3

Harald Welte laforge at
Mon Mar 8 09:52:51 CET 2010

Hi Andreas,

thanks for your update.

On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 09:42:56AM +0100, Andreas.Eversberg wrote:
> as i am still working on RR MM and CC layer, it seems to be more
> complicated as i thought. remember all the messages in 04.08? but most
> problem is that i must first understand it all. i get more and more
> knowledge about it while reading it. i started implementing some
> parts, but most parts i do not understand yet. as i know from earlier
> project, it requires exact knowledge of every bit to do it right.

Thanks for your status update.  Of course, the full 04.08 is a lot of
work, this is why I was hoping we can introduce your code gradually,
step-by-step - rather than everything as one big merge.

> when i am finished, i will tell you as soon as possible, but i think
> it takes some more weeks. anyway, there will be many issues then. 
> as i can see, there the layer 2 and layer 1 will also be not that easy
> too.  e.g. layer 2 must process channel descriptions to connect to the
> right channel and the right configurations and mode. 

Sure.  My development style is probably a  bit different. Rather than
trying to complete all of layer1 / layer2 before working on layer3, a
minimal layer1/2 like we have now is already sufficient to test location
updating or even things like SMS or call control.

> and finally gsm 03.22 (selecting and changing cells) must also wants
> to be implemented.
> if you like to be aware of what i am doing, just watch my code base.
> it is live, so every time i do a write, it will be available at:

I've checked that code into our git repository (src/host/gsm48-andreas
directory) and would appreciate if you could also start to work in the 
git repository.  This makes teamwork much easier.

For example, as opposed to your latest 'alpha3' code, I have already
moved all the gsm48_ie.c code (which was 80% identical with openbsc)
into libosmocore, and removed it from gsm48-andreas and openbsc. All
the encode_* and decode_* functions now have a gsm48_ prefix to make
their naming more unique.

So feel free to work in that directory of git, you can commit directly
to master, no need for a branch.

Also, there are other people (like Patrick McHardy) who have indicated
that they would like to help on the L3... using one shared repository 
makes even more sense at this point.

- Harald Welte <laforge at> 
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