Harald Welte laforge at
Tue Mar 9 16:54:54 CET 2010

On Tue, Mar 09, 2010 at 04:25:11PM +0100, Sébastien Lorquet wrote:
> I don't know which GSM stack layer needs to exchange APDUs. I guess it's not
> level 1, 

In normal GSM stacks, yes, the Layer1 provides an abstraction layer for
SIM card access.

Hwoever, the actual SIM card read/write commands come from Layer 3 or
the application above that.

> so apdus will be exchanged through the serial link with the phone.
> It may be nice to have a pcsclite driver to drive the sim card in the phone.
> Then we'll be able to use a SIM cards connected to the real phone, or a ccid
> smart card reader connected to the PC running the layer2/layer3, using the
> same API.

Yes, I like that idea, and we can easily use yet another of our HLDC
data link connections for this.

However, it seems almost like a bit of over-engineering to me to go a
far as to support PC/SC.  Sure, it's a cool hack, and if somebody has
an interest in it and some time to spare.

But then, as long as the Layer3 is on the PC, it would be fine if it can
support real PC/SC readers.  Only when we start to support running
layer3 inside the phone, we would require the use of the SIM card reader
inside the phone.

- Harald Welte <laforge at> 
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