C139: get ftmtoolerror from ramloader

Dieter Spaar spaar at mirider.augusta.de
Fri Mar 19 08:54:35 CET 2010

Hello Erik,

On Fri, 19 Mar 2010 07:42:06 +0100, "Erik Ekman" <yarrick at kryo.se> wrote:
> I did some more research and it seems even the unlocking people are
> having the same problems here. So I will just wait for my other phone.

I do have one C139 here, it works with the "board/compal_e88/hello_world.bin"
firmware and the "-m c123xor" option for "osmocon", however without the
display working (its a different display). If I boot the normal phone
firmware, I also see some output and have the same "AT" behaviour you

But maybe there are different versions of the C139 so that some work and
others don't.

Best regards,
Dieter Spaar, Germany                           spaar at mirider.augusta.de

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