compiler todo

Florian Tobias Schandinat FlorianSchandinat at
Fri Mar 19 13:35:43 CET 2010

Hi all,

today my serial cable finally arrived. As in the meantime a driver for 
the C155 display was added I am searching for new things I might be able 
to do.
The AreasOfWork lists under Build System
"we need a clean/known base as a compiler"
As a LFS user I'm used to compiling my own software and as I did for the 
toolchain which currently consists of
and as I now have the cable, I can confirm that it works.
The instructions in the support section of work well if you 
have the needed libs (gmp, mpfr, ...) and not picked a broken version of 
binutils or others.
So my questions are:
(1) Is this still a todo or did someone work on it?
(2) What needs to be done?

Thanks for all your work, this is amazing,

Florian Tobias Schandinat

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