layer3 work / issues

Dieter Spaar spaar at
Sun Mar 28 09:02:37 CEST 2010

Hello Harald,

On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 13:16:36 +0800, "Harald Welte" <laforge at> wrote:
> as far as I know, it has to change on every retransmission.  Dieter is
> probably the person who knows all RACH aspects in detail, maybe he can
> comment on this.

According to the specification the random value has to change on every

  a random reference which is drawn randomly from a uniform probability
  distribution for every new transmission.

In the TSM30 firmware this is done by having a table with random values
and an index into the table which is initialised to a random value when
the Immediate Assignment Procedure is started and incremented with every
random number taken for a retransmission. The table has 32 values because
the random reference is not larger than 5 bits.

Best regards,
Dieter Spaar, Germany                           spaar at

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