
Nordin bouchtaoui at gmail.com
Tue Oct 5 15:28:46 CEST 2010

  On 5-10-2010 14:24, Marten Christophe wrote:
> Hello All,
>> I have cross compiled my code, long time back and it is running
> successfully on my c123, done all prerequisite like libtoolchan and ARM elf
> cross compiling.
> Layer1.bin , even i run ./bcc_scan and all other commands. successfully.
> I compiled the code downloaded from * git://git.osmocom.org/osmocom-bb.git,

Maybe you already did that, but do something like this:
git clone git://git.osmocom.org/osmocom-bb.git

This copies master branch to your local system.

To see all branches do following,
First cd to the newly created directory from git and than:
git branch -a

This will list all the branches, those remote branches are prefixed with 
You can than create a new branch based on the sylvain branch like this:
git checkout -b sylvain_testing origin/sylvain/testing

Now you created a local branch called sylvain_testing with a copy of 
If you do: git branch , you'll see a master branch and sylvain_testing 
branch. The one prefixed with *, that's the branch you are on at the 
moment. You should be at sylvain_testing branch.
 From there on, compile, build or whatever on that branch.

I hope this helps, success.

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