Overloading sanctioned private networks on GSM

Maciej Grela maciej.grela at gmail.com
Wed Oct 6 10:07:52 CEST 2010

2010/10/6 Marten Christophe <technosabby at gmail.com>:
> Hi Peter,
> Thanks  Sébastien,
> Thanks Benjamin,
> It looks some useful let me understand this
> Yes , I'm alone for this project as my NGO's  planned for installing the,
> course-ware and distribute them.
> but I'm insisting , this interactive feature , and hardly i get permission
> for pilot work
> and no one here from Telecommunication field , and as technical as I'm. if i
> could not prof my self they will go as previous plan.
> means students have to visit nearest center for help.
> if i successful demonstrate only then the company who is manufacturing this
> will be ready to install compal hardware within it
> we can't insist  them also coz they are working on this project for no loss
> no profit.
> Thanks all for help, i will PM you from next time  , if i need any help from
> you , coze i dont feel this mailing list is right place to  discuss this,
> before Harald scold me i should pack-up :)
>>If all you looked at was legacy solutions with too low bandwidth for
>>your needs then obviously you should look for further solutions. :)
> Forgive me  for my english Legacy means proprietary equipments, solutions
> and technology.
> and deliver more bandwidth then required. so its useless spending money..
> when you already in lacking.
> already modification to $10 OLPC hardware reached it around 6 times high.(
> to accommodate course ware for intermediate schooling and player)
> this is not as same as OLPC. it's much facilitated.(i should not disclose
> its under development)
>>I don't believe your idea of amateur radio is very accurate. Actually
>>I don't think amateur radio has ever been about one way
>>communication. :) Broadcasting is, but maybe that's also something
>>your application can benefit from if governments help with spectrum.
> I don't mean to say it cant, communicate bi directional, but limitation is
> there , who will tune it ? in remote villages,
> also how costly it will to provide a ameture or hame radio set to each
> student?
> where as the compal mother board only ( dont need LCD, keypad enclosure) and
> as i searched they have it in production until 2009
> might give me under $5. at least i can gather 10-15 from obsolete ,
> repairing even junk seller shops form my pilot projet
> so i drooped the Idea.
> there are few contries where even in single   region  more then 4-5
> regional  languages spoken.
> initially we will start 2 regional language channels on each TS of a single
> ARFCN, in just  200KHz b/w, we have 7 TS.
> means 7 channels, every regional language will be associated to specific TS
> and ARFCN, will be configured at the time of production.
> for pilot project.
> think it like this , One lecture being broadcasting on TS-1,   20 students
> are tuned to it. In the same ARFCN one TX slot free and they will use it to
> ask question , and it will obvious that students ask question one by one,
> even in normal classes.
> so i don't need continuous two way communication. ,  transmitting part will
> be shared among all 20 or more.

Aren't you reinventing PoC (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Push_to_talk)
? It may prove easier to base your work on that.

Best regards,
Maciej Grela

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