Marten Christophe technosabby at
Thu Oct 28 22:10:07 CEST 2010

Hello All,

Can Any one expert in programming add new command line in full stack GSM
application like , ./mobile.
to tune or enter for  particular.   ARFCN , Time slot, hopping sequence.

my understanding here is , once i will logged to any cell , it will
automatically find FCCH, and SCH and my MS will synchronize, to a cell and
read bcch.
only thing left over to finish my work is to tune to right ARFN and TS with
appropriate HS
i want signaling to be involved without it it wont receive TCH.

see, to be frank my not expert in C language and even lots of try i couldn't
make API for it .

so any one can help me .

Kind Regards,
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