job offer in berlin - breaking basebands, write open GSM tools

Frank Rieger fr at
Mon Sep 20 15:14:16 CEST 2010

I have a job offer in my company for a project to research into and build defenses against over-the air attacks breaking current 2G/3G basebands. The location is in Berlin, Germany, starting soon if possible. Remote work arrangements are not an option. The project is solidly financed by a public research grant, the company is nicely profitable for many years now.

Requirements are detailed GSM knowledge, very good reverse engineering and at least decent C/C++ coding skills plus ability to work with a small team in english or german language. All research results of the project will be public and large parts of the development aspect will be on improving the open GSM / 3G tools and thus flow back to the community. Working hours are very relaxed, we are looking for someone who really dives into his work and does not just attend it.

Mail me off list if you think you fit the profile.

Thanks & Greetings from Berlin,

Frank Rieger

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