R: Re: Problem with osmocon (beginner)
screaming-pain at libero.it
screaming-pain at libero.it
Mon Apr 11 14:07:45 CEST 2011
Thank you Sylvain and Dario!
It was a cable problem, I bought a usb one and It works, the only problem is
that now I get a NACK,
I read it could be a timing problem and I tried to comment the printf as
suggested in a recent post, but it did not work.
This is what happens:
loretta at loretta-laptop:~/osmocom-bb/src/host/osmocon$ ./osmocon -p
/dev/ttyUSB0 -m c123xor ../../target/firmware/board/compal_e88/hello_world.
got 2 bytes from modem, data looks like: 2f c8 /.
got 5 bytes from modem, data looks like: 1b f6 02 00 41 ....A
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 01 .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 40 @
Received PROMPT1 from phone, responding with CMD
file_size=19560, hdr_len=4, dnload_len=19567
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 1b .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: f6 .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 02 .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 00 .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 41 A
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 02 .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 43 C
Received PROMPT2 from phone, starting download
handle_write(): 1023 bytes (1023/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (1791/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (2559/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (3327/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (4095/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (4863/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (5631/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (6399/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (7167/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (7935/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (8703/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (9471/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (10239/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (11007/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (11775/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (12543/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (13311/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (14079/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (14847/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (15615/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (16383/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (17151/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (17919/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (18687/19567)
handle_write(): 768 bytes (19455/19567)
handle_write(): 112 bytes (19567/19567)
handle_write(): finished
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 1b .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: f6 .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 02 .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 00 .
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 45 E
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 53 S
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 16 .
Received DOWNLOAD NACK from phone, something went wrong :(
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 66 f
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 74 t
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 6d m
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 74 t
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 6f o
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 6f o
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 6c l
Received FTMTOOL from phone, ramloader has aborted
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 65 e
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 72 r
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 72 r
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 6f o
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 72 r
got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: 00 .
Most of the times though it just arrives to the handle_write():finished prints
out few "got 1 bytes from modem, data looks like: " lines
and it stops there
Do you have any suggestion? What should I check?
Thanks for your help,
>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: dario.lombardo at libero.it
>Data: 4-apr-2011 18.01
>A: "screaming-pain at libero.it"<screaming-pain at libero.it>
>Ogg: Re: Problem with osmocon (beginner)
>On 04/04/2011 05:33 PM, screaming-pain at libero.it wrote:
>> what is going on? can anyone help me to understand how to proceed?
>Sometimes it happens that moving slightly the jack is enough to break
>the serial line. Sometimes I have to try many times, without touching
>the phone before the fw loads. Try to insist without moving the phone,
>and If you are not lucky try to change cable.
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