GRPS decode - trying to download firmware to C123

smithmr103 at smithmr103 at
Wed Aug 31 21:36:19 CEST 2011

Hello Harald,

Of course, I read this... sorry my question was 'what is the branch I
can use (I guess 'master') and which firmware can I load into calypso
ram with my pl2303 cable'? - I can load 'Hello world' without trouble...
but after the code is not bootstrapped (it doesn't run)... This is my
major issue. I can, in mostly cases, load firmwares but they dont't
execute! I guess somebody else in here has the same problem...

Le 31/08/2011 10:35, Harald Welte a écrit :
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 11:40:13PM +0200, smithmr103 at wrote:
>> Hello Harald and Lukas,
>> In my opinion regarding non-standard speed, PL2303 based cable should
>> never succeed to load code into calypso ram...
>> The wiki says that for some branch and/or firmwares it works, I don't
>> understand how it can happen.
> because the firmware download happens at a much lower baudrate than some
> of the applications later use.
>> btw with my pl2303 cable what branch / firmware do i have to use for
>> loading a GSM layer1 into my C123... with succeed?
> YOU CANNOT DO GPRS DECODE (which uses burst_ind) WITH A PL2303 BASED CABLE!
> I guess it has been written dozens of times to the wiki and this
> mailinglist (check the archive).

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