Fwd: Cell_log > gsmmap

Christian Vogel vogelchr at vogel.cx
Tue Feb 1 21:22:55 CET 2011


>>> if (!strcmp("$GPGLL") {
> how about a proper gpsd-integration? I've some spare time in the end of
> this month to try it. I would parse only one least common NMEA-sentence.  
> As Mad said the
> "GPRMC"-sentence should be a good candidate for this.
> All other GPS-input-messages could be read via libgpsd from gpsd (which
> seems to be able to read  even most obscure GPS-binary formats).

if anyone wants to continue on that, I had started with something similar  
in the past, but not continued:


You can already use gpsd by creating a fifo, and telling it to osmocom as  
a device. Then, in another session, run gpspipe -r >fifo.



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