Mediatek MT6235 status (Sciphone G2)

Harald Welte laforge at
Fri Feb 18 18:57:23 CET 2011


On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 03:52:53PM +0100, Drasko DRASKOVIC wrote:

> As a matter of fact, what becomes more and more attractive now days
> are L4 hypervisors, which could separate BB and APP system in the
> separate containers, running on the same CPU.

The only reason why commercial companies (most notably ST-Ericsson) with
proprietary GSM stacks use this is to make sure they don't have to release any
of their proprietary code under GPL.

There is absolutely no technical reason why you cannot do a GSM L1 inside
the regular Linux kernel.  You just have to do it in a GPL-compatible way :)

- Harald Welte <laforge at> 
"Privacy in residential applications is a desirable marketing option."
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