No subject

Sun Feb 27 21:08:37 CET 2011

> Meanwhile, Andreas Eversberg has been working on a BTS-side A-bis implementation
> for the OsmocomBB-BTS (idea: using 2 heavily modified phones to run a
> simplistic BTS), and I have started to split that code out into a separate
> repository at
> This code should eventually be used with the OpenBTS, and potentially other
> BTS types, too.

That's cool!!!!

>> With that approach the 'GSM-um' interface would be a very simplified
>> module of the overall system and osmocom would completely replace
>> OpenBTS all-in-one project.
> This is where I don't get you. All that needs to be removed is the L3-to-SIP
> bridge.  It doesn't make the vast majority of OpenBTS code disappear,
> and it does not render that latter part useless.  A full-blown GSM network with
> all its components brings a lot of complexity.   The stand-alone OpenBTS is
> much more simple.   And why would you want all the complexity if you don't
> need to interoperate with legacy GSM?

Well, because the the osmocom-integrated version will be, before or
later, more full-featured than OpenBTS standalone.

Features such as multi-arfcn, handover, maybe GPRS/EDGE will be usable
only jointly with Osmocom integration but not by the opensource OpenBTS
standalone version.

Obviously the community will then use the OpenBTS/OpenBSC integration
that would reach more features than just OpenBTS in the opensource edition.

That means that in few times only the "integrated code" will works
better, because it will attract more user and will start getting used in
"production environment".
So the integrated code will grow while the "OpenBTS commercial code"
will leave behind with less features and more buggy code (because less

That's why i just think that the destinity of OpenBTS is to integrate
(directly or just some piece) with OpenBSC, but doing that it will loose
several important value of the "OpenBTS commercial edition" and people
will start using what can be used for free instead of paying.

That's what usually happen within the opensource environment, before or
It could reasonably happen also with that opensource gsm environment.

My comments was just consideration on this to stimulate the
considerations on this by the various project players.

I am just an opensource advocacy troll that like telephony stuff and
perceive very valuable the achievement of the hacking community in
opening a closed technology like GSM.

Osmocom and it's possible future changes to the market of GSM
technologies could be defined as "the WikiLeaks of the GSM Industry" :-)


p.s. i have no commercial interests of any kind in that stuff

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