i need help i use MTK chip to do a GSM USRP For my love girl

Harald Welte laforge at gnumonks.org
Tue Jan 11 21:37:25 CET 2011

Dear unknown,

first of all: this is not a group of people who will design your product for you. This is a community, everyone gives and takes. So far, we are not intending to build anything like a USRP.

So if you want to get any jelp from us, tou would have to explain yoir product and give us some reason/motivation how we, or the community at large will bwnefit from it.

Secondly, your mails could be more verbouse, explain who you are, what you are doing and why.

Third, please don't use sublect lines like "for my love girl". That makes your message look like spam, and it has no relevance to the topic here.

Regards, Harald

"麦田守望" <775725965 at qq.com> wrote:

>i need help  i will USE MTK6219+6129  to do a GSM USRP    i  need
>baseband Firmware or USB interface to Connection  PC                   
>       the all base openbts

Sent from a mobile device, excuse my short response

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