wiki: SIMReader Was: Sim on C115 & C118
Bogdan Alecu
b.alecu at
Tue Jan 18 21:29:24 CET 2011
I finally managed to place a call. After trying to use the test base and compile, it gave error for some function which was expecting a parameter. I found that I had to put NULL as parameter and after this it compiled with no errors. I also reported this on irc and someone has fixed this - the repository now has this parameter.
Someone said that there should be two separate discussion lists - for users and dev - because there are newbie questions around. Well, I must tell you that I really did read the wiki, watched the presentations and so on and still couldn't find a complete guide on how to use Osmocom. As you can see, in the case above it wasn't at all my fault that the parameter was missing. Please don't jump to conclusions so quickly. My impression is that for an open-source project it seems to be more closed. If you did discover something then why not share?
For all who try to make your first call: if you followed all the steps from wiki and you still have problems making a call, check if your cable fits good in the phone and try also with the prebuilt arm instead of building yours. For me these two things did the trick.
--- On Mon, 1/17/11, Dobrica Pavlinusic <dpavlin at> wrote:
From: Dobrica Pavlinusic <dpavlin at>
Subject: Re: wiki: SIMReader Was: Sim on C115 & C118
To: "Bogdan Alecu" <b.alecu at>
Cc: baseband-devel at
Date: Monday, January 17, 2011, 9:31 PM
On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 11:46:50AM -0800, Bogdan Alecu wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry for writing you directly to your email. Thank you very much for the wiki. I was wondering if you have some knowledge about the "sim test" mode. I tried it by filling in the IMSI and MCC MNC. After I start the layer2 in a few seconds layer1 crashes. What I am trying to achieve is to send a IMSI detach to the network for the specified IMSI. Maybe you could give me a hand with this.
This is often second question after getting SIM working, so I want to
share what I know. However, I'm not an expert, and most of this is
gathered from presentations and speaking with people who know more than
I do, so I wanted to bounce this against mailing list for additional
As far as I understand it, to connect to provider network, you need
provider's ki which is shared secret between network and sim card.
There are some practical attacks on older sim cards which are used by
multi-network sim cards. It seems there is limited number of brute-force
interations that cards support before disabling themself and that
changed somehow in recent cards.
Best SIM explanation I found so far is on 27C3 wiki about GSM network:
> --- On Mon, 1/17/11, Dobrica Pavlinusic <dpavlin at> wrote:
> From: Dobrica Pavlinusic <dpavlin at>
> Subject: wiki: SIMReader Was: Sim on C115 & C118
> To: "Bogdan Alecu" <b.alecu at>
> Cc: dario.lombardo at, baseband-devel at
> Date: Monday, January 17, 2011, 7:05 PM
> On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 10:24:51AM -0800, Bogdan Alecu wrote:
> > I was going to ask the same question because I have same problem with sim reader mode. However I haven't used Sylvain test. I will and come back with an update.
> There seems to be sufficiant interest for using SIM reader, so I created
> page on wiki which might serve as good pointer:
> --
> Dobrica Pavlinusic 2share!2flame dpavlin at
> Unix addict. Internet consultant.
Dobrica Pavlinusic 2share!2flame dpavlin at
Unix addict. Internet consultant.
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