Sniff Code..shown @chao conf.. CCC

Peter Stuge peter at
Sun Jan 23 07:08:55 CET 2011

Marten Christophe wrote:
> Kindly give me code or even binary file for sniff code which
> Sylvain demonstrated in chao meeting,

Kindly read

> Pls reply 
> pls help
> or pls advise
> Kindly  reply
> pls provide

I'm sure you realize that this sounds like a nagging child.

I think one can always beenfit from considering the group that one is
communicating in. Many quite skilled developers work together in this
and most other open source projects, and the way to get things that
one wants is never to nag.

At best one will be silently ignored, at worst one will get banned.
In any case, the impression people will be left with suffers
dramatically from any behavior not clearly trying to further the
project. I have seen this happen in many projects, and many times I
am sure that it is caused mainly by problems in communication, such
as language barriers, rhetoric skill, and so on. Other times it is
simply because someone is stupid. (I don't know you at all well
enough to say if that holds for you, probably not, but your emails
may cause people to think so.)

> advise me how i can modify existing code up to that level.
> it will help me allot, my NGO can deploy a pilot project at least

I guess you are still working on the idea that developers here fairly
clearly judged as not being really worthwhile. And now you plea for
people to go out of their way to support it. That demonstrates a lack
of understanding for open source projects, where *you* are always
responsible for fulfilling *your* needs. Of course you can ask others
to do stuff, by politely making suggestions, but you must respect if
they have no interest in your ideas.

But nothing stops you from moving ahead on your own and proving
everyone wrong! In fact that is one great thing about open source.
When going against the flow of course you must be prepared to not
get much, if any, help.

Maybe Sylvain will be interested in licensing some work to your NGO
for a pilot project - if so I guess he will get in touch with you -
but honestly I doubt that, based on nothing but how you behave on
this mailing list. :\

Besides the tone in your email you have hijacked the thread about the
Osmocom logo request. This suggests unfamiliarity with mailing list
etiquette, which also hurts your standing in the project rather
severely. One could think this should not be so important, because it
is a technicality, but on the other hand we are all technicians, and
the technicalities are there for a reason; they allow the most
efficient communication. So by not knowing the etiquette you are
creating inefficiencies for every mailing list subscriber and for the
afterworld (in the archives) which as I am sure you understand is
very strongly frowned upon.

Perhaps you could benefit from the recently announced TETRA code..

Maybe it fits your application better than plain GSM, as you seem to
be on good terms with the regulatory body in your deployment area.

Kind regards


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