Anybody using a BTS for debugging?

Mohammad Hosein mhtajik at
Thu May 19 19:48:06 CEST 2011

it really depends on the type of operation and measurement you are gonna do
but you must "engineer" a way not
to TX regulated traffic anyway . a shield room is your first choice ,
engineering the patch antenna on the handset would
be another , of course you always can ask your regulatory for temporary
limited license to do research and the cost
depends on how crowded your area is .

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 9:12 PM, Gianni Tedesco <gianni at>wrote:

> On Thu, 2011-05-19 at 21:09 +0430, Mohammad Hosein wrote:
> > most of the test systems are not built to be used for on-air
> > operations . the ones that offer such features must be used in Shield
> > rooms where no signal gets in or out . these rooms are expensive but
> > usually tech universities have some rental hours for their shield and
> > antenna rooms . its expensive as well , otherwise you are probably
> > going to have some conflict with local regulatory sooner or later
> > regards
> So how does it work "off-air"? I'll need a shielded cable and attach it
> on to the antenna pads of the handset?
> The last thing I want is regulatory hassles.
> Thanks
> Gianni
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