Testing protocol stack with OsmocomBB (cheap way)
drasko.draskovic at gmail.com
Mon May 30 10:11:25 CEST 2011
On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 8:56 AM, <weberbe at ee.ethz.ch> wrote:
> Quoting "Drasko DRASKOVIC" <drasko.draskovic at gmail.com>:
> As this is all you want just use the signal from any commercial BTS in your
> area. OsmocomBB is able to capture System Information Messages and Paging
> Requests and forward the content to Wireshark.
Yes, I think it would be a great start ! How this can be done ?
Can somebody kindly explain the procedure to do this in a few words,
and point out things to observe ? I think this kind of
instructions/tutorial can be very useful for all the people who want
to start quickly with OsmocomBB and have something useful that does
communication and traverse packets through the stack. This employs all
the tools from the project and gives perfect overview how they work
Thanks and best regards,
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