Testing protocol stack with OsmocomBB (cheap way)

Drasko DRASKOVIC drasko.draskovic at gmail.com
Tue May 31 00:05:40 CEST 2011

Hi Gianni,
after few hours of searching through the wiki pages, I have not been
able to find the document you were mentioning that would explain
attaching to cell and have some packet transfered through protocol
stack up to the Wireshark.

Are you sure that this document still exist and not have been removed/replaced ?

All I have found that can resemble is this :
but I guess that this is not what you are talking about, as it gives
no detailed instructions for the things I want to obtain (i.e. which
applications to start, in which order, what are things to observe,

I tried some basic test by watching OsocomBB video presentations, as
these are closest instructions and recepies on tools usage I have
found to get one up and running, and I described troubles I have been
facing in previous mail - I tried to guess what can be the right
scenario as I find no docs, but I am still not able to synchronize to
any cell, nor have some packets coming...


On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Drasko DRASKOVIC
<drasko.draskovic at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 6:46 PM, Gianni Tedesco <gianni at scaramanga.co.uk> wrote:
>> You can find exactly this tutorial on the wiki.
> Hi Gianni,
> I did not saw it last night when I was srtawling through the wiki (or
> more possible did not understand that I was looking at it).
> Can you please post the link for the future reference ?
> BR,
> Drasko

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