small problem
Harald Welte
laforge at
Tue Nov 29 07:48:00 CET 2011
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 12:18:10AM +0100, Juantxi wrote:
> change -> #include <../../../../include/l1ctl_proto.h>
> git
> 00000000 21 3C 73 79 6D 6C 69 6E 6B 3E FF FE 2E 00 2E 00 !<symlink>ÿþ.
> .
> 00000016 2F 00 2E 00 2E 00 2F 00 2E 00 2E 00 2F 00 2E 00 / . . / . . /
> .
> 00000032 2E 00 2F 00 69 00 6E 00 63 00 6C 00 75 00 64 00 . / i n c l u
> d
> 00000048 65 00 2F 00 6C 00 31 00 63 00 74 00 6C 00 5F 00 e / l 1 c t l
> _
> 00000064 70 00 72 00 6F 00 74 00 6F 00 2E 00 68 00 00 00 p r o t o . h
> error in git?
I'm not sure how git deals with symbolik links on cygwin. Sorry.
While some users have had success using cygwin, it is not a platform
that we support. You're mostly on your own here, and should probably
have some experience with fixing up smaller issues related to the cygwin
API differences and how git behaves on your platform.
- Harald Welte <laforge at>
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