Mobile phone to act as RF frequency sesnor and detector

Winston Ojenge wojenge at
Thu Apr 19 10:41:56 CEST 2012

Hi Andreas,
Is my line of interest irrelevant to the OsmocomBB project? In short,
is the project  intending to explore use of the phone for anything
besides the conventional calling and conventional SMS. If you recall,
my interest was to write code to enable the phone to 'sense' and
detect signal from a remote source of few metres. I need to be able to
write the code. Can i?
I need a response desperately so that i stop cluttering the forum.


On 4/16/12, Andreas Eversberg <andreas at> wrote:
> Winston Ojenge wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I lecture at strathmore university, Kenya, East Africa. For my PhD, i
>> need to develop a cell-phone model that senses and recognizes a
>> specific RF frequency from a source. It then submits the value of that
>> frequency by SMS.
>> Is it possible to use the OsmocomBB platform to program such a device
>> using motorola C123?
>> Ojenge
>> On 4/16/12, Winston Ojenge<wojenge at>  wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I lecture at strathmore university, Kenya, East Africa. For my PhD, i
>>> need to develop a cell-phone model that senses and recognizes a
>>> specific RF frequency from a source. It then submits the value of that
>>> frequency by SMS.
>>> Is it possible to use the OsmocomBB platform to program such a device
>>> using motorola C123?
>>> Ojenge
> hi ojenge,
> osmocombb supports sms. you can also "sense" RF frequence, but you need
> to add some feature to do measurement at the first plane and then send
> the sms with the results. c123 is capable of receiving GSM downlink
> frequencies only. you may also receive uplink and even (with
> modifications to the firmware) receive frequencies a bit outside GSM
> bands. in this case you need to replace filters or your signal level is
> reduced. the osmocombb firmware is capable of measuring rx levels of
> given frequencies while being idle on a gsm cell. what do you want to
> "sense"?
> regards,
> andreas

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