[PATCH] Add a5/3 support.

Erik Tews e_tews at seceng.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Thu Dec 6 15:06:46 CET 2012

Am Donnerstag, den 06.12.2012, 11:43 +0100 schrieb Harald Welte:
> I belive Erik Tews was working on a clean re-implementation without
> copyrighted reference code, but I'm not sure what was the result of it
> (maybe I don't remember) 


Yes, a student started working on the project. However, unfortunately
just before she was about to finish, a colleague decided to change the
schedule and she had to speed up her work. As a result, I would not
reconment to use the code. Also I should add, I wasn't ever able to use
the code by myself :-(
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