restart layer1 from remote?

Tim Ehlers osmocom at
Mon Dec 10 16:28:08 CET 2012

On Mon, 10 Dec 2012, Sylvain Munaut wrote:

Hi Sylvain,

>> Is there a way to somehow "reboot" or restart the layer1 by software? 
>> And if not, could that easily be implemented?
> Yes there is the L1CTL_RESET but I think shutdown/no shutdown already
> sends that command (check the osmocon output) meaning the L1 is no
> longer responding at all ...
> Does the osmocon console does anything at all when it's in that state
> ? Does that phone have anything special ? (connected to a different
> network or doing different things ?).

Nothing special and it is not only THIS phone. Randomly any of the phones 
are crashing.

Unfortunately I start the osmocon processes like this:

( /usr/local/bin/osmocon -s /tmp/osmocom_l2 -l /tmp/osmocom_loader -p /dev/ttyS0 -m c123xor /usr/local/bin/layer1.compalram.bin ) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &

I could now start all of them in a screen session, where I could see the 
latest output afterwards. Since it is so much output coming, I don't want 
to keep it in a logfile.

If it helps I could do that, too. In any case I have to wait for the next 

But when I look at the cpu time used, it seems that the osmocon process is 
still doing something.

I could now test any command you tell me on the mobile application. Today 
in the evening, when I am home I will restart it (with osmocon in screen).

> Some people wire-up one of the serial port control line to the enable
> line of a power supply they use to power the phone so they can do full
> power off/on, but it requires external hw.

Ok, you mean using an unused serial line and raising the control line to 
control a relais, which virtually presses the power button then?

With such a solution I would have another problem. Often, when I switch 
off the phone, I can't switch it back on. Even without the connected 
serial line, I can't switch it on booting the original firmware. I have to 
remove the power (which is a altered batteriepack, hooked on a powersupply 
with ~4 Volts [like the battery had before]), wait 30 seconds and put it 
back on. Then I can start it again.

Is that a known problem, or looks it like to be a problem of my altered 



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