double frames in burst file

g.roelant at g.roelant at
Mon Dec 24 16:23:11 CET 2012

So there will always be a try and guess method involved...?
Are the possible frames always a multitude of 102 apart?
Or are there other offsets?
Is the kraken version which does 4 frames at the same available somewhere?
----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
Van: Sylvain Munaut <246tnt at>
Aan: g roelant <g.roelant at>
Cc: osmocomBB <baseband-devel at>
Verzonden: Mon, 24 Dec 2012 14:47:26 +0100 (CET)
Onderwerp: Re: double frames in burst file


> what should i do in my program that parse the bursts? skip the double frame and read on?
> or skip all frames with uplink flag set?

Do whatever you want with them depending on what your needs are ...

> ps. can i ask you a question about weak frames?
> what i noticed: the offset between si5, si5ter, si6 and the first si6 frame after encryption is not always 204 frames
> is this correct?

Yes, there is no specs so operator do what they want and for some of
them it's pseudo-random.



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