Reliablility problem in current git?

Tim Ehlers osmocom at
Sun Feb 19 18:30:57 CET 2012


I have a git clone from 23.01.2012 and a current git clone.

When I compile both and use the mobile appliation, I have a strange 
problem in the current code. Very often I can't send USSD codes (and maybe 
also can't communicate in other ways; USSD is the costless way to check 
whether I am connected or not).

Ok, this is what I do: I send "service 1 *#21#", wait the answer and the 
string "% On Network, normal service: Germany, O2". Then send it again and 
so on.

With the old code, I reliable get the answer e.g. "% Status: deactivated". 
With the new code, I very often (sometime already when trying first time) 
get nothing back and after some seconds only "% Service connection 

Can someone confirm this behavior?



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