Problem> not receiving any data

Hernan Gips gipshm at
Thu Jul 19 17:04:17 CEST 2012

Hi guys,

Im using osmocom with a C139.  My cable is a bus pirate and a 2.5mm jack.
Layer 1 is loaded correctly with no chained load.

When i load cell_log or mobile it seems the phone is not receiving any
packet from the network.

cell_log is dumping this:
*Failed to connect to '/tmp/osmocom_sap'.*
*Failed during sap_open(), no SIM reader*
*<000e> cell_log.c:803 Scanner initialized*
*Mobile initialized, please start phone now!*
*<000e> cell_log.c:367 Measure from 0 to 124*

and on the osmocom screen i see this:
but nothing else happends.

what is the standar procedure when using mobile? "enable" and  then "sim
testcard 1" then i cant even see the available networks or cells   ?
why i always see* Mobile initialized, please start phone* now! what this

Thanks in advance!


"There must be some way out of here"
  said the joker to the thief
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