PNLM list overwritten

Kevin Redon ml at
Mon Sep 10 12:14:14 CEST 2012


Excerpts from Dario Lombardo's message of Mon Sep 10 09:52:44 +0200 2012:
> On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 6:21 PM, Kevin Redon <ml at> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Curious, but I tested it and also came to the same conclusion (with a current vodafone card).
> > The changes on PLMNsel are not stored permanently. On the next power up, the SIM will rewrite this file.
> That's not exactly what I observed. Powering up the card in a card
> reader, I checked that the list is modified. But putting it into a
> cell phone, I found it restored.

Ok. I tested more sim cards and found different behaviours:
- Vodafone (germany) + Vodafone CallYA: rewrites EF_PLMNsel at every power up
- SFR: rewrites EF_PLMNsel at every power up
- universal (bouygues): does not rewrite EF_PLMNsel, even in the phone (card not active/can not connect to network anymore)
- virgin mobile (orange franche): does not rewrite EF_PLMNsel, even in the phone (card not active/can not connect to network anymore)
- O2 prepaid: does not rewrite EF_PLMNsel at boot, but rewrites in the phone (card not active/can not connect to network anymore)
- O2 loop (older): does not rewrite EF_PLMNsel, even in the phone. card did connect to the network.

I used a Motorols C121 as phone.

I will try SIMtrace on the o2 prepaid card to see what is happening and check if the phone rewrites it, or the SIM card does it itself (due to some sequence of instructions).
> > Here some code to test it:
> > The source is open (it uses libpcsc), but only use it to verify the results (e.g. not distributing it), as the code is not yet ready to be published (the file will be removed in 2 days).
> >
> Going to test it. Do you know open source suites for sim card
> management? The most complete one I know is from Dekart, but is for
> win and commercial/closed. Anything useful for open source/unix world?

No, I don't know any tool. That is why I wrote it myself.


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