patches for SIM in the firmware

Lukas Kuzmiak lukash at
Mon Dec 16 16:56:59 CET 2013

Hello guys,

attached is a patch that fixes a few issues regarding SIM reader in Motorola phones (tested on C123), description:

if there’s a lot of reading from SIM it happens a FIFO gets full, IMHO the right way is to read until the FIFO is empty (while-loop added)
FETCH APDU has to be handled in the same way as GET RESPONSE (added)
once REG_SIM_IT_SIM_NATR is triggered it should set the rxDoneFlag to 1 because otherwise there’s trouble recognising NO SIM state on L1 if SIM isn’t present
in calypso_sim_powerup() and calypso_sim_reset() should set state to IDLE and put sim_len to 0 because if you do powerdown/powerup the state machine gets messed up
unsetting CONFBYPASS should make the CONFSVCCLEV and CONFSRSTLEV irrelevant but it doesn’t, calypso_sim_powerdown() fixed based on calypso spec
both calypso_sim_powerup() and calypso_sim_powerup() now return ATR as it should be when you poweron/reset the card
some minor debug messages fixed to keep all the messages consistent

Patch is apply-able on the current master.


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