Milinko Isakovic
milinkoi at gmail.com
Mon Dec 30 22:47:47 CET 2013
I need some help and maybe you are able to help me. Before I made any
decision I need confirm some of things I do not fully understand.
First of all I have some tests to preform and to make some report:
I need to receive CCCH or part of CCCH like PCH and to store results. After
this results are stored I need to analyze them with following:
1) How many paging requests came from 3 different operators at one LAC (I
know each of them will have separate LAC)
2) Than I need to confirm how many paging requests came calling IMSI how
much with TMSI
3) If it is possible to be done on one computer with 3 devices, or I will
need more computers ?
Question is because I need to do some reports. I do not need to monitor or
intercept any encrypted data, to monitor SMS or any call.7
My question is is this possible ? And is there anybody who can help me to
do this ?
I found that some TEST equipment is capable to give me this results, but it
is to expensive to me.
Also if there is anybody in region of Balkan who was doing something like
this please contact me.
Project I need to finish is to monitor some number of days with Paging
requests, and to make Prediction on what way and what speed GSM network
will grow .
Milinko Isakovic
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