Osmovom-BB on Raspberry Pi

Richard Menedetter ricsi at gmx.at
Sun Feb 24 14:49:22 CET 2013

Hi All

Just wanted to confirm that I got Osmocom-BB up and running on a Raspberry Pi.
I did not use the GPIO UART pins but USB <-> serial converters.
I tried Motorola C118 and C155 with success.

Everything you need is already described:

My previous problem seems to have been a not fully compatible crosscompiled toolchain. (it worked mostly, but I could not log-in to a cell and the spectrum view crashed on the RSSI Firmware.

Also if you want transmit capability (or flashing) then you need to activate those features in the makefile.

Thanks Sylvain (confirming c118 will work) and all others who are involved!!

PS: Any news on the "emulated BTS" that has been presented at last years chaos communication congress?
I have 2 C118s + 1 normal USB serial dongle + 1 capable of burst ind.
I hope this will suffice to also run also a possible future 1 trasmit phone + 1 receive phone configuration.
I assume that even without the filter change it should be enough to send a few meters of distance.

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