29c3 youtube video

Luca Bongiorni luca.bongiorni1 at studenti.unimi.it
Tue Jan 1 21:09:24 CET 2013

Hey all,
actually is "interesting" his web site.

Since it seems a commercial website*:

* " Matrix Shell developed own GSM penetration testing tool.This tool is comprised of hardware unit and a laptop.it can perform various test on network using custom firmware. 
Using this too tester can identify state in which end user is getting service in terms of security."

* "We provide following services.
GSM Network Penetration Testing
Matrixshell have developed a tool that can be used for testing attack vectors from users point of view. That is attacks that can be carried out by using modified handsets which may cause misusing identity of  GSM subscriber , mass cellphone cell phone switch off ,denial of service of subscriber etc. Such vulnerability may cause loss in reputation of provider.
We can find out such issues using our own tools. Our tools comprised of UM interface hardware and a laptop communicating with UM interface. This tool can run different tests on network like: Checking encryption type, Authentication bypass, Wrong way of TMSI assignment by network, Identity impersonating."

I am wondering how his software tools are dealing with Osmocom's licenses.


> are you sharing your current progress in a public git repository?  If
> not, I'd like to strongly encourage you to do so.  I can also give you
> commit access so you can push to a private branch on git.osmocom.org, if you
> prefer that.
> -- 
> - Harald Welte <laforge at gnumonks.org>           http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
> ============================================================================
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