Cleaning up stuff

Dario Lombardo at
Wed Jan 9 09:31:00 CET 2013

On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 5:33 PM, laFouine <jordan.bouyat at>wrote:

> I had exactly the same problem.
> I don't know why but  the libosmocore provided by osmcombb couldn't be
> found...
> I fixed the problem this way :
> - Delete totally the osmocom-bb folder (which you clone from the repo)
> - Download and install libosmocore and follow the instructions :
> - Then, configure you PKG_CONFIG_PATH to aim at /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
> - Then, clone obtain the sources of osmocombb and install :
> I didn't need to go through all of your steps. In particular, step 1 was
absolutely impossible, since I have many local branches. Everything went
right by simply installing libosmocore in my system, which is now a
requirement (I have discovered it going through this issue). Everything now
is ok, except for the GettingStarted wiki page, that doesn't describe the
libosmocore requirement.
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