strange crashes in current main branch

Tim Ehlers osmocom at
Tue Jan 22 09:49:40 CET 2013

On Fri, 11 Jan 2013, Tim Ehlers wrote:


> TOA AVG is not 16 qbits, correcting (got 15)
> TOA AVG is not 16 qbits, correcting (got 15)
> TOA AVG is not 16 qbits, correcting (got 15)
> Has anybody a clue how this could happen from time to time?

mhh, I reply to myself, since nobody seems to have that problem too?

In the meantime I made further inverstigations and came to the conclusion 
that theses crashes are related to the layer1. When using a new mobile and 
osmocon application, but the old layer1: no crash.

And I should mention that I have a C118 (e88) phone. I newly got a e99 
phone and interestingly this phone doesn't crash with current layer1. But 
before you think the hardware is broken. I have several e88 phones and all 
of them behave the same.

In the past I used the pre-compiled cross-compiler gnuarm-3.4.3. According 
to the new Wiki-pages I compiled the combi binutils-2.21.1, newlib-1.19.0 
and gcc-4.5.2. Tried it with e88 and e99 during the night. Today e88 
crashed again.

So do I have a special cell here (SIMs are from german O2 prepaid 
platform) causing crashes to layer1 (e88)? Or what is special here?

I made a diff between working and not working compal_e88 directory, but 
the changes are only some kind of irq-changes, like:

-       calypso_bootrom(1);
+       calypso_bootrom(with_irq);

and so on. I think this is not the problem, or could it open a race 
condition? But why am I the only one with this problem?

Has anybody a suggestion, what I could test to track the problem down?



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