Help with JTAG

teslarode at teslarode at
Mon Jan 28 19:34:36 CET 2013


I've found a very interesting article about SciphoneDream G2 published on your webpage at that covers pretty detailed information about MT6235 SoC, bootstrapping as well as JTAG. This is the only article I have ever found on internet about MTK SoC and JTAG.
What I am trying to accomplish is to access NAND flash and write to it over JTAG (in order to recover from corruption after bad flash) on MTK8555 SoC which according to my in-depth research and analysis has very similar architecture to MT6235. If I can't write to NAND over JTAG but would be able to launch u-boot that would be a solution too. I am very good at ARM assembly and debugging, however I am not very experienced with JTAG. Do you think you (or anyone else) could help me out, by giving me guidance what hardware, software, config files should I use to make JTAG work on this SoC ? Any help or advise would be more then appreciated!

If you are a wrong person I contacted, I apologize for the inconvenience.

Many thanks in advance!
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