Vedr: osmocom-transceiver

Erich Dachleger edachleger at
Fri Mar 29 18:38:06 CET 2013

Hi Shaddi and thanks for your reply. The  file named transceiver in my apps directory contains the bash-script described in the wiki you linked. I made the symlink between that file and the Transceiver52M just for testing today, and will remove it. But I have not had any symlinks during my earlier tests, just the bash script inside the file named transceiver,and the errors remain. Openbts kind of starts but there is a never ending sequence of trx-data messages interupted by TRX CLK indication messages in the ./OpenBTS terminal, and no network seems to be broadcasted. When watching the talk-video from 29c3 there seems to be both a transceiver file as well as a transceiver.bin  inside the apps-directory used in the talk.


 Fra: Shaddi Hasan <shaddi at>
Til: Erich Dachleger <edachleger at> 
Kopi: baseband-devel at; Sylvain Munaut <246tnt at> 
Sendt: Fredag, 29. mars 2013 17.46
Emne: Re: osmocom-transceiver

You need to make a bash script to start the osmocom transceiver in the apps directory as described in the instructions:
You should delete the symlink to Transceiver52M, that's for Ettus radios.

sent from a phone

 Hi List,
Does one have to build an osmocom-specific-transceiver inside openbts/trunk directory in addition to the installment-procedure for the trx-app described in the wiki?

I did not put anything extra in openbts/trunk directory. However when I run noise command from OpenBTSCLI I get -0 db for the noise floor, after starting OpenBTS, so I suspect there possibly is an error with my transceiver-install.I increased Ms rssi target with +10 db as suggested in openbts-wiki, but that did not
 make the net visible for other  phones.

cheers erich

output from OpenBTS> stats
OpenBTS> stats
OpenBTS.Starts: 129 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.Exit.Normal.CLI: 324 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.Exit.Error.Watchdog: 0 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.Exit.Error.CLISocket: 0 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.Exit.Error.TransceiverHeartbeat: 96 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.Exit.Error.ConfigurationParameterNotFound: 0 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.CLI.Command: 325 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.CLI.Command.ResponseFailure: 0 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.SIP.Failed.Remote.3xx: 0 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.SIP.Failed.Remote.4xx: 0 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.SIP.Failed.Remote.5xx: 0 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.SIP.Failed.Remote.6xx: 0 events over 41719
 minutes 0 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.SIP.Failed.Local: 0 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.SIP.ReadTimeout: 0 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.SIP.LostProxy: 0 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.SIP.UnresolvedHostname: 0 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.SIP.INVITE.In: 0 events over 41719

OpenBTS.GSM.RR.RACH.TA.Accepted.0: 0 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.GSM.RR.RACH.TA.Accepted.1: 0 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.GSM.RR.RACH.TA.Accepted.2: 0 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.GSM.RR.RACH.TA.Accepted.3: 0 events over 41719 minutes
OpenBTS.GSM.RR.RACH.TA.Accepted.4: 0 
parts of output from ./openBTS
0011> trx.c:512 TRX Data 179115:0:0:018a122916244ae0428548042a4480
<0011> trx.c:512 TRX Data 179116:0:0:14a01404481448700a10a010804aa0
<0011> trx.c:512 TRX Data
<0011> trx.c:419 TRX Control recv: |SETPOWER|5|
<0011> trx.c:220 TRX Control send: |RSP SETPOWER 0 5|
<0011> trx.c:190 TRX CLK Indication 179114

0011> trx.c:190 TRX CLK Indication 180389
<0011> trx.c:512 TRX Data 180440:0:0:8bc274073a3d00fef0b44342d71a20
<0011> trx.c:512 TRX Data 180441:0:0:61abea10427ec2f0cb524c0b88ec30
<0011> trx.c:419 TRX Control recv: |SETPOWER|4|
<0011> trx.c:220 TRX Control send: |RSP SETPOWER 0 4|
<0011> trx.c:512 TRX D
0011> trx.c:419 TRX Control recv: |SETPOWER|3|
<0011> trx.c:220 TRX Control send: |RSP SETPOWER 0 3|
<0011> trx.c:190 TRX CLK Indication 181715
<0011> trx.c:512 TRX

011> trx.c:419 TRX Control recv: |SETPOWER|2|
<0011> trx.c:220 TRX Control send: |RSP SETPOWER 0 2|
<0011> trx.c:190 TRX CLK Indication

root at bt:~/openBts/public/openbts/trunk/apps# ls -la
total 8240
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    4096 2013-03-17 23:27 .
drwxr-xr-x 22 root root    4096 2013-03-17 23:02 ..
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 2013-03-17 23:08 .deps
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    1557 2013-03-15 19:36 fil2
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 2013-03-17 23:08 .libs
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   19385 2013-03-17 23:02 Makefile
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    1364 2013-02-26 11:19
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   19852 2013-03-17 23:01
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 7699820 2013-03-17 23:08 OpenBTS
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   17792 2013-03-17 23:08
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    4401 2013-02-26 11:19 OpenBTSCLI.cpp
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   11204 2013-03-17 23:08 OpenBTSCLI.o
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   18084 2013-02-26 11:19 OpenBTS.cpp
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   12252 2013-03-17 23:08 OpenBTSDo
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    2367 2013-02-26 11:19 OpenBTSDo.cpp
-rw-r--r--  1 root root    8172 2013-03-17 23:08 OpenBTSDo.o
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   21120 2013-02-26 11:19 OpenBTS.example.sql
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  549792 2013-03-17 23:08 OpenBTS.o
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root     139 2013-02-26 11:19
drwxr-xr-x  6 root root    4096 2013-02-26 11:22 .svn
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      29 2013-03-17 23:27 transceiver ->
-rw-r--r--  1 root root       0 2013-03-01 13:53 trx.c:190
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