[PATCH] COMP128v23 improvements

Harald Welte laforge at gnumonks.org
Fri Nov 22 18:35:24 CET 2013

Hi Jeffery,

On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 11:59:28AM -0500, Jeffrey Walton wrote:

> Why not just fix it since this is a community effort? It takes longer
> to complain about it and reject it than it does to perform the actual
> work. (Sans the merge problem on Master).

well, number one reason is 'because this is the culture'.  All (at least
most) of the projects I have been involved in have a coding style.  It
is the duty of every developer to follow that.  If I want to get
something merged to wireshark, I have to use their coding style, not my
personal one, no matter if I like it or not.

If an occasional mistake happens, then that is excusable.  But if I
always post my patches without caring about the rules (including coding
style), then it measn that I am perceived as being ignorant towards the

Having a unified coding style is important for many software developers.

Why am I not fixing it up? Because
* I might break the code doing so (and I might not have the same
  test setup and familiarity with that paticular code / functionalty as
  the original subitter)
* maintainers are typically overloaded in all projects.  For efficient
  collaborative development it is important that the work for the
  maintainers is reduced, as they are single-point-of-failures.
* maintainers are developers.  They primarily like to write code, and
  like to be efficient/productive.  'wiping the floor' after other
  developers/contributors who have been too lazy to care about the
  rules of the project is tiresome, annoying, and generally not very
  productive use of their time

It is not only the content of your work that matters, but also the
style.  Many people also consider it as disrespectful, if contributors
are not willing to align with a projects style / rules / architecture.

As a maintainer [and I'm not saying that I have been maintaining openbsc
or related projects during the last year, I'm just generally speaking], I
want contributors to learn how to write patches that I can simply apply
without having to spend time on it except reading through the code.  If
I always fix up everyones patches, I will do that for the years to come
and will not do anything else (more productive).

- Harald Welte <laforge at gnumonks.org>           http://laforge.gnumonks.org/
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