Mobile app hangs depending on SIM

francoip francoip at
Thu Feb 12 14:33:51 UTC 2015

Hello list,

I'm playing with the mobile application of OsmocomBB. I have two SIM 
cards of
two different operators. Everything works fine with one of them, as you 
can see
in the mobile_ok log, but it doesn't with the other one, as you can see 
in the
mobile_ko and layer1_ko log.

Layer1 hangs there:
SIM Request (5): a0 b0 00 00 f6

and mobile hangs there:
<000f> sim.c:1065 selected file (len 246)
<000f> sim.c:277 READ BINARY (offset=0 len=246)
<000f> sim.c:187 sending APDU (class 0xa0, ins 0xb0)

Then nothing happens.

Also, when using the command "off", everything shuts down with the first 
but I have to use ctrl-c for the second one after mobile hangs here:
<000f> sim.c:1234 exit SIM client

I have the last versions of libosmocore and osmocom-bb in the master 
and I enabled TX support. I also tried to set my IMEI in the mobile.cfg 
but this does not change anything. The config file is joined as well.

Did I forget something? Do you have an idea?

Thank you!
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