OsmoTRX on Pirelli DP-L10 restarts phone

Tobias Mädel osmocombb.list at tbspace.de
Sat Oct 3 18:36:22 UTC 2015


I'm currently trying to use a Pirelli DP-L10 calypso phone as a
rudimentary BTS.

I have followed the instructions on
I'm using the jolly/testing branch of osmocom-bb and I've enabled TX
support in the Makefile.

The software runs on an xubuntu 14.04 x64 machine.

After uploading the firmware to the phones RAM via osmocon, it shows
that it's running osmocom-bb on the display, when I then try to run
transceiver with the following parameters: -e 5 -r 99 (or alternativly
-e 5 -a 958 to sync with german provider O2)
the phone just reboots and goes into a state where the keyboard
backlight is blinking with 0.5 hertz.

The last thing "transceiver" says is:
<0012> l1ctl.c:383 Reset received: Starting sync.
<000c> l1ctl.c:95 Sync Req
<000c> l1ctl_link.c:171 Sending: '01 00 00 00 83 be 00 64 27 10 03 20
03 07 00 00 00 '

and the last log messages from osmocon are:
DSP API Version: 0x3606 0x0000
LOST 7200!
L1CTL_RESET_REQ: FULL!L1CTL_FBSB_REQ (arfcn=33726, flags=0x7)
Dropping sample ':'

I'm not sure if I have configured the correct bands for
synchronization. I think it might have to do something with that.
I copy'd the default configuration from the osmocom-page stating DCS1800.
The only base station I'm seeing here is 958, which is in the GSM900R
range. Could this be the problem?

Have I overseen something simple? Have I provided all necessary
information about my setup? Any ideas?

It's probably not a power issue, I have tested it with a lab power
supply for providing the USB 5V and battery 4.2V, which resulted in
the same behavior.

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Tobias Mädel
t.maedel at alfeld.de
PGP: 3A69 E9AF 3FA9 3BCF FE50 9694 494E 2F56 C304 60E1

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