diff src/cs/layer1/dl1/dl1_com.c @ 69:50a15a54801e

src/cs/layer1: import from tcs211-l1-reconst project
author Mychaela Falconia <falcon@freecalypso.org>
date Sat, 01 Oct 2016 23:45:38 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/cs/layer1/dl1/dl1_com.c	Sat Oct 01 23:45:38 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+ * This module contains the LISR and HISR glue functions for L1
+ * which used to be in the dl1_com module in the Leonardo version.
+ * The LoCosto source from which we got our L1 code no longer has a
+ * dl1_com.c module, and the ISR glue functions in question have been
+ * moved into csw-system/init_common/init.c - an incredibly messy C
+ * module that is mostly devoted to LoCosto BSP initialization.
+ *
+ * The present C code has been extracted from LoCosto's init.c,
+ * guided by the disassembly of dl1_com.obj from the Leonardo version.
+ */
+/* Include Files */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "nucleus.h"
+#include "l1_types.h"
+#include "l1_confg.h"
+#include "l1_const.h"
+  #include "l1tm_defty.h"
+#endif // TESTMODE
+#if (AUDIO_TASK == 1)
+  #include "l1audio_const.h"
+  #include "l1audio_cust.h"
+  #include "l1audio_defty.h"
+#endif // AUDIO_TASK
+#if (L1_GTT == 1)
+  #include "l1gtt_const.h"
+  #include "l1gtt_defty.h"
+#if (L1_MP3 == 1)
+  #include "l1mp3_defty.h"
+#if (L1_MIDI == 1)
+  #include "l1midi_defty.h"
+#if (L1_AAC == 1)
+  #include "l1aac_defty.h"
+#if (L1_DYN_DSP_DWNLD == 1)
+  #include "l1_dyn_dwl_defty.h"
+#if (TRACE_TYPE == 4)
+  #include "l1_defty.h"
+#include "armio.h"
+#include "timer.h"
+#include "iq.h"
+#include "mem.h"
+#include "clkm.h"
+#include "inth.h"
+ * Timing monitor
+ */
+#if (TRACE_TYPE == 4)
+  extern T_L1A_L1S_COM l1a_l1s_com;
+  extern T_L1S_GLOBAL  l1s;
+  UNSIGNED             max_cpu, fn_max_cpu;
+  unsigned short       layer_1_sync_end_time;
+  unsigned short       max_cpu_flag;
+  #if (DSP >= 38)
+  // DSP CPU load measurement trace variables
+  UWORD32              dsp_max_cpu_load_trace_array[4];
+  UWORD32              dsp_max_cpu_load_idle_frame;
+  unsigned short       l1_dsp_cpu_load_trace_flag;
+  #endif
+#if (L1_EXT_AUDIO_MGT == 1)
+  char FAR ext_audio_mgt_hisr_stack[500];
+  extern void Cust_ext_audio_mgt_hisr(void);
+#if ( (L1_MP3 == 1) || (L1_MIDI == 1) || (L1_AAC == 1) || (L1_DYN_DSP_DWNLD == 1) )   // equivalent to an API_HISR flag
+  extern void api_hisr(void);
+  #pragma DATA_SECTION (API_HISR_stack,"API_HISR_stack");
+  char FAR API_HISR_stack[0x400];
+#endif // (L1_MP3 == 1) || (L1_MIDI == 1) || (L1_DYN_DSP_DWNLD == 1)
+#if (FF_L1_IT_DSP_USF == 1) || (FF_L1_IT_DSP_DTX == 1)
+  char FAR API_MODEM_HISR_stack[0x400]; // stack size to be tuned
+  NU_HISR api_modemHISR;
+#endif // FF_L1_IT_DSP_USF
+ * HISR stack and semaphore needed by L1
+ */
+#if (OP_L1_STANDALONE == 0)
+  #define LAYER_1_SYNC_STACK_SIZE	4000	/* matching Leonardo version */
+  unsigned char layer_1_sync_stack[LAYER_1_SYNC_STACK_SIZE];
+    char FAR layer_1_sync_stack[2600 /*3600*/];   // Frame interrupt task stack for EVA3
+  #else
+    char FAR layer_1_sync_stack[1600 /* 2600 */];   // Frame interrupt task stack for EVA3
+  #endif
+#endif   /* OP_L1_STANDALONE */
+NU_HISR  layer_1_sync_HISR;    // Frame interrupt task stack for EVA3
+/* forward declaration */
+void layer_1_sync_HISR_entry (void);
+ * l1_create_ISR
+ *
+ * Create L1 HISR.  This function is called from l1_pei.
+ */
+void l1_create_ISR (void)
+  STATUS status;
+  #if (OP_L1_STANDALONE == 0)
+    // Fill the entire stack with the pattern 0xFE
+    memset (layer_1_sync_stack, 0xFE, LAYER_1_SYNC_STACK_SIZE);
+  #endif
+  status = NU_Create_HISR (&layer_1_sync_HISR,
+                           "L1_HISR",
+                           layer_1_sync_HISR_entry,
+  #if (OP_L1_STANDALONE == 0)
+                           0,
+                           layer_1_sync_stack,
+                           LAYER_1_SYNC_STACK_SIZE);
+  #else
+                           0,
+                           layer_1_sync_stack,
+                           sizeof(layer_1_sync_stack));
+  #endif
+  #if (L1_EXT_AUDIO_MGT)
+    // Create HISR for Ext MIDI activity
+    //==================================
+    status += NU_Create_HISR(&EXT_AUDIO_MGT_hisr,
+                             "H_EXT_AUDIO_MGT",
+                             Cust_ext_audio_mgt_hisr,
+                             1,
+                             ext_audio_mgt_hisr_stack,
+                             sizeof(ext_audio_mgt_hisr_stack));
+  #endif
+  #if ( (L1_MP3 == 1) || (L1_MIDI == 1) || (L1_AAC == 1) || (L1_DYN_DSP_DWNLD == 1) )    // equivalent to an API_HISR flag
+    status += NU_Create_HISR(&apiHISR,
+                             "API_HISR",
+                             api_hisr,
+                             1,
+                             API_HISR_stack,
+                             sizeof(API_HISR_stack));
+  #endif // (L1_MP3 == 1) || (L1_MIDI == 1) || (L1_AAC == 1) || (L1_DYN_DSP_DWNLD == 1)
+  #if (FF_L1_IT_DSP_USF == 1) || (FF_L1_IT_DSP_DTX == 1) // equivalent to an API_MODEM_HISR flag
+    // Create HISR for USF  DSP interrupt !!!!. This HISR needs
+    // to have the highest priority since the USF status needs
+    // to be known before the next block starts.
+    //========================================================
+    status += NU_Create_HISR(&api_modemHISR,
+                             "MODEM",
+                             api_modem_hisr,
+                             0,
+                             API_MODEM_HISR_stack,
+                             sizeof(API_MODEM_HISR_stack));
+  #endif
+  assert (status == 0);
+ * The versions of TP_FrameIntHandler() and layer_1_sync_HISR_entry()
+ * in the TCS211 dl1_com.obj module contain CPU load measurement
+ * code.  TI changed things for LoCosto, so we have to revert their
+ * changes and restore the TCS211 way.
+ */
+#if (TRACE_TYPE == 4)
+  #define TICKS_PER_TDMA    (1875)
+/* TP_FrameIntHandler() Low Interrupt service routine    */
+/* Parameters :                                          */
+/* Return     :                                          */
+/* Functionality :  activate Hisr on each frame interrupt*/
+void TP_FrameIntHandler(void)
+  #if (OP_L1_STANDALONE == 1)
+    #if (TRACE_TYPE==1)
+       if (trace_info.current_config->l1_dyn_trace & 1<<L1_DYN_TRACE_L1S_CPU_LOAD)
+       {
+         TM_ResetTimer (2, 0xFFFF, 1, 0);
+         TM_StartTimer (2);
+       }
+    #endif
+    #if (TRACE_TYPE==6)
+       TM_ResetTimer (2, 0xFFFF, 1, 0);
+       TM_StartTimer (2);
+    #endif
+    #if (TRACE_TYPE==7)   /* CPU_LOAD */
+       l1_cpu_load_start();
+    #endif
+  #else
+    #if (TRACE_TYPE == 4) && (TI_NUC_MONITOR != 1)
+              TM_ResetTimer (2, TIMER_RESET_VALUE, 1, 0);
+              TM_StartTimer (2);
+    #endif
+    #if (TI_NUC_MONITOR == 1)
+       /* Copy LISR buffer in Log buffer each end of HISR */
+       ti_nuc_monitor_tdma_action();
+    #endif
+    #if WCP_PROF == 1
+       prf_LogFNSwitch(l1s.actual_time.fn_mod42432);
+    #endif
+  #endif   /* OP_L1_STANDALONE */
+  NU_Activate_HISR(&layer_1_sync_HISR);   /* Activate HISR interrupt */
+  #if (OP_L1_STANDALONE == 0)
+    #if (WCP_PROF == 1)
+      #if (PRF_CALIBRATION == 1)
+      NU_Activate_HISR(&prf_CalibrationHISR);
+      #endif
+    #endif
+  #endif
+ * layer_1_sync_HISR_entry
+ *
+ * HISR associated to layer 1 sync.
+ */
+void layer_1_sync_HISR_entry (void)
+  /* automatic var for the CPU load measurement code below */
+  #if (TRACE_TYPE == 4)
+    unsigned long cpu;
+  #endif
+  // Call Synchronous Layer1
+  hisr();
+  /*
+   * FreeCalypso: the following code has been reconstructed from
+   * the disassembly of the TCS211 binary object; it was found to be
+   * similar to the Trace_L1S_CPU_load() function in l1_trace.c
+   * which appears to have been only for (TRACE_TYPE == 1) originally.
+   */
+  #if (TRACE_TYPE == 4)
+    layer_1_sync_end_time = TIMER_RESET_VALUE - TM_ReadTimer(2);
+    cpu = (100 * layer_1_sync_end_time) / TICKS_PER_TDMA;
+    if (cpu > max_cpu)
+    {
+      max_cpu=cpu;
+      fn_max_cpu=l1s.actual_time.fn;
+      max_cpu_flag = 1;
+      /*
+       * TCS211 object has this bogus code here:
+       if (some non-understood condition) {
+         static int i;
+         i++;	// static var never used anywhere
+         max_cpu_flag = 1;
+       }
+       * Because this bogus code does not change the result,
+       * I decided not to bother with reconstructing it.
+       */
+    }
+    if (((l1s.actual_time.fn%1326) == 0) && (max_cpu_flag == 0))
+      max_cpu = 0;
+  #endif
+/* the following stub functions live in the dl1_com module per TCS211 */
+void           rx_tch_data        (API     *data_address,
+                                   UWORD8  channel_mode,
+                                   UWORD8  blk_seq_number)
+UWORD8           *tx_tch_data     (void)
+  return(NULL); 