diff src/g23m-aci/aci/ati_cphs.c @ 162:53929b40109c

src/g23m-aci: initial import from TCS3.2/LoCosto
author Mychaela Falconia <falcon@freecalypso.org>
date Tue, 11 Oct 2016 02:02:43 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/g23m-aci/aci/ati_cphs.c	Tue Oct 11 02:02:43 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1290 @@
+| PROJECT:                              $Workfile:: ati_cphs.c      $|
+| $Author::                             $Revision::                 $|
+| CREATED:                              $Modtime::                  $|
+| STATE  : code                                                      |
+   PURPOSE : CPHS related proprietery AT commands.
+#ifndef ATI_CPHS_C
+#define ATI_CPHS_C
+#include "aci_all.h"
+#include "aci_cmh.h"
+#include "ati_cmd.h"
+#include "aci_cmd.h"
+#include "aci_lst.h"
+#include "ati_int.h"
+#include "aci_prs.h"
+#include "aci_mem.h"
+#include "aci_io.h"
+#include "cphs.h"
+#include "aci_cphs.h"
+#ifdef  FF_ATI_BAT
+#include "typedefs.h"
+#include "gdd.h"
+#include "bat.h"
+#include "ati_bat.h"
+#endif /* FF_ATI_BAT */
+LOCAL T_ATI_RSLT query_indicator_flags(UBYTE srcId, T_CPHS_LINES queried_lines, T_ACI_AT_CMD indicator_type);
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)              MODULE  : ACI_CMD            |
+| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : atPercentCPHS      |
+  PURPOSE : %CPHS: CPHS module initialing/closing/refreshing
+GLOBAL T_ATI_RSLT setatPercentCPHS (CHAR *cl, UBYTE srcId)
+  T_ACI_CPHS_INIT  initMode;
+  T_ACI_RETURN     ret = AT_FAIL;
+  T_ATI_SRC_PARAMS *src_params = find_element (ati_src_list, srcId, search_ati_src_id);
+  cl = parse(cl, "d", &initMode);
+  if (cl EQ NULL)
+  {
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_OpNotAllow);
+    return ATI_FAIL;
+  }
+#ifdef FF_ATI_BAT
+  {
+  T_BAT_cmd_send cmd;
+  T_BAT_cmd_set_percent_cphs my_bat_set_percent_cphs;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("setatPercentCPHS() calls bat_send() <=== as APPLICATION");
+  memset(&my_bat_set_percent_cphs, 0, sizeof(my_bat_set_percent_cphs));
+  cmd.ctrl_params = BAT_CMD_SET_PERCENT_CPHS;
+  cmd.params.ptr_set_percent_cphs = &my_bat_set_percent_cphs;
+  my_bat_set_percent_cphs.init_mode = initMode;
+  src_params->curAtCmd = AT_CMD_CPHS;
+  bat_send(ati_bat_get_client(srcId), &cmd);
+  return ATI_EXCT; /* executing, because response is passed by callback function */
+  }
+#else /* OLD FUNCTION BODY */
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("setatPercentCPHS()");
+  ret=sAT_PercentCPHS((T_ACI_CMD_SRC)srcId, initMode);
+  switch (ret)
+  {
+  case (AT_EXCT):
+    src_params->curAtCmd = AT_CMD_CPHS;
+    break;
+  case (AT_BUSY):
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_SimBusy);
+    return(ATI_FAIL);
+  case (AT_FAIL):
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_Unknown);
+    return(ATI_FAIL);
+  }
+  return(map_aci_2_ati_rslt(ret));
+#endif /* no FF_ATI_BAT*/
+GLOBAL T_ATI_RSLT queatPercentCPHS (CHAR *cl, UBYTE srcId)
+  T_ACI_CPHS_INIT initMode;
+  T_ACI_RETURN    ret;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("queatPercentCPHS()");
+  ret = qAT_PercentCPHS((T_ACI_CMD_SRC)srcId, &initMode);
+  if (ret NEQ AT_CMPL)
+  {
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_Unknown);
+    return(ATI_FAIL);
+  }
+  sprintf(g_sa, "%s%d", "%CPHS: ", initMode);
+  io_sendMessage(srcId, g_sa, ATI_NORMAL_OUTPUT);
+  return(ATI_CMPL);
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)              MODULE  : ACI_CMD            |
+| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : atPercentCPNUMS    |
+  PURPOSE : %CPNUMS: CPHS information numbers management.
+  SHORT              element_id;
+  T_ACI_RETURN       ret = AT_FAIL;
+  cl = parse(cl, "rd", &element_id, &mode);
+  if (cl EQ NULL)
+  {
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_OpNotAllow);
+    return ATI_FAIL;
+  }
+#ifdef FF_ATI_BAT
+  {
+  T_BAT_cmd_send cmd;
+  T_BAT_cmd_set_percent_cpnums my_bat_set_percent_cpnums;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("setatPercentYYYY() calls bat_send() <=== as APPLICATION");
+  memset(&my_bat_set_percent_cpnums, 0, sizeof(my_bat_set_percent_cpnums));
+  cmd.ctrl_params = BAT_CMD_SET_PERCENT_CPNUMS;
+  cmd.params.ptr_set_percent_cpnums = &my_bat_set_percent_cpnums;
+  my_bat_set_percent_cpnums.element_id = (U8)element_id;
+  my_bat_set_percent_cpnums.mode = mode;
+  bat_send(ati_bat_get_client(srcId), &cmd);
+  return ATI_EXCT; /* executing, because response is passed by callback function */
+  }
+#else /* OLD FUNCTION BODY */
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("setatPercentCPNUMS()");
+  ret=sAT_PercentCPNUMS((T_ACI_CMD_SRC)srcId, (UBYTE)element_id, (UBYTE)mode);
+  if (ret NEQ AT_CMPL)
+  {
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_Unknown);
+    return(ATI_FAIL);
+  }
+  return(ATI_CMPL);  
+#endif /* no FF_ATI_BAT*/
+  T_ACI_RETURN ret;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("tesatPercentCPNUMS()");
+  ret = tAT_PercentCPNUMS((T_ACI_CMD_SRC)srcId);
+  if (ret NEQ AT_CMPL)
+  {
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_Unknown);
+    return(ATI_FAIL);
+  }
+  return(ATI_CMPL);
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)              MODULE  : ACI_RET            |
+| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : rCI_PercentCPNUMS  |
+  PURPOSE : handles AT%CPNUMS call back
+GLOBAL void rCI_PercentCPNUMS(UBYTE element_index,
+                              UBYTE index_level,
+                              CHAR  *alpha_tag,
+                              CHAR  *number,
+                              BOOL  premium_flag,
+                              BOOL  network_flag,
+                              UBYTE type_of_address)
+  UBYTE srcId = srcId_cb;
+  CHAR cvtd_text[4*CPHS_MAX_INF_ALPHA_TAG];
+  USHORT len_cvtd=0;
+  USHORT pos=0;
+  utl_chsetFromSim(
+    (UBYTE *)alpha_tag,
+    (USHORT)strlen(alpha_tag),
+    (UBYTE *)cvtd_text,
+    sizeof(cvtd_text),
+    &len_cvtd,
+    GSM_ALPHA_Def);
+  pos=sprintf(g_sa,"%s%d,","%CPNUMS: ",element_index);
+  pos+=sprints(g_sa+pos,cvtd_text,len_cvtd);
+  pos+=sprintf(g_sa+pos,",\"%s\",%d,%d,%d,%d",number,index_level,premium_flag,network_flag,type_of_address);
+  io_sendMessage(srcId, g_sa, ATI_NORMAL_OUTPUT);
+#ifndef MFW
+#ifndef FF_MMI_RIV
+/* dummy in case of SMI */
+GLOBAL void rAT_PercentCPNUMS(UBYTE element_index,
+                              UBYTE index_level,
+                              CHAR  *alpha_tag,
+                              CHAR  *number,
+                              BOOL  premium_flag,
+                              BOOL  network_flag,
+                              UBYTE type_of_address)
+#endif /*ndef FF_MMI_RIV */
+#endif /* ndef MFW */
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)              MODULE  : ACI_RET            |
+| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : rCI_PercentCPROAM  |
+  PURPOSE : handles %CPROAM indication
+            roam_status = 1 mobile entering roaming service // = 0 going back to home netwrok
+GLOBAL void rCI_PercentCPROAM(UBYTE roam_status)
+  UBYTE srcId = srcId_cb;
+  sprintf(g_sa, "%s: %d", "%CPROAM", roam_status);
+  io_sendIndication(srcId, g_sa, ATI_NORMAL_OUTPUT);
+#ifndef MFW
+#ifndef FF_MMI_RIV
+/* dummy in case of SMI */
+GLOBAL void rAT_PercentCPROAM(UBYTE roam_status)
+#endif /* ndef FF_MMI_RIV */
+#endif /* ndef MFW */
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)              MODULE  : ACI_CMD            |
+| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : atPercentCPALS     |
+  PURPOSE : %CPALS: CPHS Alternate Line Service.
+LOCAL T_ATI_RSLT proceed_CPALS(UBYTE srcId, UBYTE call_id)
+  T_ACI_RETURN ret;
+  T_CPHS_LINES active_line;
+  CHAR         *line_desc;
+  UBYTE        max_line_desc;
+  max_line_desc = 30; /* should be enough ! */
+  MALLOC(line_desc, max_line_desc);
+  ret = qAT_PercentCPALS((T_ACI_CMD_SRC)srcId, call_id, &active_line, line_desc, &max_line_desc);
+  if (ret EQ AT_EXCT)
+  {
+    TRACE_EVENT_P1("Quite a line_desc !: %d", max_line_desc);
+    MFREE(line_desc);
+    MALLOC(line_desc, max_line_desc);
+    /* retry */
+    ret = qAT_PercentCPALS((T_ACI_CMD_SRC)srcId, call_id, &active_line, line_desc, &max_line_desc);
+  }
+  if (ret NEQ AT_CMPL)
+  {
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_OpNotAllow);
+	MFREE(line_desc);
+    return(ATI_FAIL);
+  }
+  sprintf(g_sa, "%s: %d,\"%s\"", "%CPALS", active_line, line_desc);
+  io_sendMessage(srcId, g_sa, ATI_NORMAL_OUTPUT);
+  MFREE(line_desc);
+  return(ATI_CMPL);
+GLOBAL T_ATI_RSLT setatPercentCPALS (CHAR *cl, UBYTE srcId)
+  SHORT call_id;
+  cl = parse(cl, "r", &call_id);
+  if (cl EQ NULL)
+  {
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_OpNotAllow);
+    return ATI_FAIL;
+  }
+#ifdef FF_ATI_BAT
+  {
+  T_BAT_cmd_send cmd;
+  T_BAT_cmd_set_percent_cpals my_bat_set_percent_cpals;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("setatPercentCPALS() calls bat_send() <=== as APPLICATION");
+  memset(&my_bat_set_percent_cpals, 0, sizeof(my_bat_set_percent_cpals));
+  cmd.ctrl_params = BAT_CMD_SET_PERCENT_CPALS;
+  cmd.params.ptr_set_percent_cpals = &my_bat_set_percent_cpals;
+  my_bat_set_percent_cpals.call_id = (U8)call_id;
+  bat_send(ati_bat_get_client(srcId), &cmd);
+  return ATI_EXCT; /* executing, because response is passed by callback function */
+  }
+#else /* OLD FUNCTION BODY */
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("setatPercentCPALS()");
+  return proceed_CPALS(srcId, (UBYTE)call_id);
+#endif /* no FF_ATI_BAT */
+GLOBAL T_ATI_RSLT queatPercentCPALS (CHAR *cl, UBYTE srcId)
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("queatPercentCPALS()");
+  return(proceed_CPALS(srcId, NOT_PRESENT_8BIT));
+GLOBAL T_ATI_RSLT tesatPercentCPALS (CHAR *cl, UBYTE srcId)
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("tesatPercentCPALS()");
+  return(ATI_CMPL);
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)              MODULE  : ACI_CMD            |
+| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : atPercentCPVWI     |
+  PURPOSE : %CPVWI: set/clear/query voice message waiting flags
+  T_CPHS_LINES     i = 0, 
+                   typed_lines  = NOT_PRESENT_16BIT,
+                   line = 0;
+  SHORT            action = 0;
+  T_ACI_RETURN     ret = AT_FAIL;
+  T_ATI_SRC_PARAMS *src_params = find_element( ati_src_list, srcId, search_ati_src_id);
+  cl = parse(cl,"rr", &action, &typed_lines);
+  if (cl EQ NULL)
+  {
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_OpNotAllow);
+    return(ATI_FAIL);
+  }
+  if (typed_lines EQ NOT_PRESENT_16BIT)
+  {
+    TRACE_EVENT("typed_lines omitted");
+    typed_lines = 0;
+    /* lines parameter omitted: Provides VWI flags for all lines */
+    for(i=0;i<8*sizeof(T_CPHS_LINES);i++)
+    {
+      line = CPHS_LINE1 << i;
+      if (cphs_line_makes_sense(line))
+      {
+        typed_lines |= line;
+      } 
+    }
+  }
+  TRACE_EVENT_P2("setatPercentCPVWI action: %d, lines: %d", action, typed_lines);
+#ifdef FF_ATI_BAT
+  {
+  T_BAT_cmd_send cmd;
+  T_BAT_cmd_set_percent_cpvwi my_bat_set_percent_cpvwi;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("setatPercentCPVWI() calls bat_send() <=== as APPLICATION");
+  memset(&my_bat_set_percent_cpvwi, 0, sizeof(my_bat_set_percent_cpvwi));
+  cmd.ctrl_params = BAT_CMD_SET_PERCENT_CPVWI;
+  cmd.params.ptr_set_percent_cpvwi = &my_bat_set_percent_cpvwi;
+  my_bat_set_percent_cpvwi.mode = action;
+  my_bat_set_percent_cpvwi.lines = typed_lines;
+  src_params->curAtCmd = AT_CMD_CPVWI;
+  bat_send(ati_bat_get_client(srcId), &cmd);
+  return ATI_EXCT; /* executing, because response is passed by callback function */
+  }
+#else /* OLD FUNCTION BODY */
+  /******* QUERY ********/
+  {
+    return query_indicator_flags(srcId, typed_lines, AT_CMD_CPVWI);
+  }
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("setatPercentCPVWI()");
+  /******* SETTING ********/
+  ret = sAT_PercentCPVWI((T_ACI_CMD_SRC)srcId, (UBYTE)action, typed_lines);
+  switch (ret)
+  {
+  case (AT_EXCT):
+    src_params->curAtCmd = AT_CMD_CPVWI;
+    break;
+  case (AT_BUSY):
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_SimBusy);
+    return(ATI_FAIL);
+  case (AT_FAIL):
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_Unknown);
+    return(ATI_FAIL);
+  }
+  return(map_aci_2_ati_rslt(ret));
+#endif /* no FF_ATI_BAT*/
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)              MODULE  : ATI_CPHS           |
+| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : rCI_PercentCPVWI   |
+  PURPOSE : handles AT_PercentCPVWI call back
+GLOBAL void rCI_PercentCPVWI  (UBYTE  flag_set, 
+                               USHORT line)
+  UBYTE srcId = srcId_cb;
+  sprintf(g_sa, "%s: %d,%d", "%CPVWI", flag_set, line);
+  io_sendIndication((UBYTE)srcId, g_sa, ATI_NORMAL_OUTPUT);
+#ifndef MFW
+#ifndef FF_MMI_RIV
+/* dummy in case of SMI */
+GLOBAL void rAT_PercentCPVWI ( UBYTE         flag_set, 
+                               USHORT        line)
+{ }
+#endif /* FF_MMI_RIV */
+#endif /* MFW */
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)              MODULE  : ACI_CMD            |
+| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : atPercentCPOPN     |
+  PURPOSE : %CPOPN: query operator name string
+  CHAR long_name[CPHS_MAX_OPER_LONG];
+  CHAR short_name[CPHS_MAX_OPER_SHORT];
+  UBYTE long_len;
+  UBYTE short_len;
+  T_ACI_RETURN ret;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("queatPercentCPOPN()");
+  long_len  = CPHS_MAX_OPER_LONG;
+  short_len = CPHS_MAX_OPER_SHORT;
+  ret = qAT_PercentCPOPN((T_ACI_CMD_SRC)srcId, long_name, &long_len, short_name, &short_len);
+  if (ret NEQ AT_CMPL)
+  {
+    if (short_len > 0 OR
+       long_len > 0)
+    {
+      TRACE_EVENT_P2("Buffer for Long Name or Short Name too small needed: %d, %d", long_len, short_len);
+    }
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_Unknown);
+    return(ATI_FAIL);
+  }
+  if ( short_len > 0 )
+  {
+    sprintf(g_sa, "%s: \"%s\",\"%s\"", "%CPOPN", long_name, short_name);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    sprintf(g_sa, "%s: \"%s\"", "%CPOPN", long_name);
+  }
+  io_sendMessage((UBYTE)srcId, g_sa, ATI_NORMAL_OUTPUT);
+  return(ATI_CMPL);
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)              MODULE  : ACI_CMD            |
+| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : setatPercentCPINF  |
+  PURPOSE : %CPINF: set customer service profile
+  CHAR   csp[CPHS_MAX_CSP*2 + 1];
+  USHORT csp_size = 0;
+  UBYTE index;                     /* for parsing failure analysis */
+  T_ATI_SRC_PARAMS *src_params = find_element (ati_src_list, srcId, search_ati_src_id);
+  /* initialize the local varibles */
+  memset(csp,0,sizeof(csp));
+  cl = parse(cl, "z",
+             (LONG)sizeof (csp),
+             strlen(cl),
+             cl,
+             &csp_size,
+             csp);
+  if (cl EQ NULL)
+  {
+    index = get_parse_index();         /* get the problematic component */
+    TRACE_EVENT_P1("index %d",index);
+    switch (index)
+    {
+      case 1:
+        cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_TxtToLong);
+        break;
+      default:
+        cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_OpNotAllow);
+        break;
+    }
+    return ATI_FAIL;
+  }
+#ifdef FF_ATI_BAT
+  {
+    T_BAT_cmd_send cmd;
+    T_BAT_cmd_set_percent_cpinf cpinf;
+    TRACE_FUNCTION("setatPercentCPINF() calls bat_send() <=== as APPLICATION");
+    memset(&cpinf, 0, sizeof(cpinf));
+    cmd.ctrl_params = BAT_CMD_SET_PERCENT_CPINF;
+    cmd.params.ptr_set_percent_cpinf = &cpinf;
+    cpinf.c_csp = (U8)csp_size;
+    memcpy(cpinf.csp, csp, csp_size);
+    src_params->curAtCmd = AT_CMD_CPINF;
+    bat_send(ati_bat_get_client(srcId), &cmd);
+    return ATI_EXCT;
+  }
+  {
+    T_ACI_RETURN ret = AT_FAIL;
+    UBYTE  serv_group[CPHS_MAX_CSP];
+    UBYTE  serv_len = 0;
+    TRACE_FUNCTION("setatPercentCPINF()");
+    memset(serv_group,0,sizeof(serv_group));
+    serv_len = utl_HexStrToBin((UBYTE*)csp, csp_size, serv_group, CPHS_MAX_CSP);
+    /* Odd length CSP or empty CSP display operation not allowed */
+    if(((serv_len % 2) NEQ 0) OR (serv_len EQ 0))
+    {
+      cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_OpNotAllow);
+      return ATI_FAIL;
+    }
+    /* write customer service profile (csp) */
+    ret = sAT_PercentCPINF( (T_ACI_CMD_SRC)srcId,
+                            serv_group,
+                            serv_len);
+    switch (ret)
+    {
+      case (AT_EXCT):
+        src_params->curAtCmd = AT_CMD_CPINF;
+        break;
+      case (AT_CMPL):
+        break;
+      default:
+      break;
+    }
+  return(map_aci_2_ati_rslt(ret));
+  }
+#endif /* no FF_ATI_BAT*/
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)              MODULE  : ACI_CMD            |
+| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : atPercentCPINF     |
+  PURPOSE : %CPINF: query cphs information and customer service profile
+#ifdef FF_ATI_BAT
+  T_BAT_cmd_send cmd;
+  T_BAT_no_parameter dummy;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("queatPercentCPINF() calls bat_send() <=== as APPLICATION");
+  cmd.ctrl_params = BAT_CMD_QUE_PERCENT_CPINF;
+  dummy.bat_dummy = 0xFF;
+  cmd.params.ptr_que_percent_cpinf = &dummy;
+  bat_send(ati_bat_get_client(srcId),&cmd);
+  return ATI_EXCT; /* executing, because response is passed by callback function */
+#else /* FF_ATI_BAT */
+  UBYTE  phase;
+  USHORT sst;
+  CHAR   csp[CPHS_MAX_CSP*2 + 1];
+  CHAR   csp2[CPHS_MAX_CSP*2 + 1]; /* Since the CPHS_MAX_CSP length has been updated to 22,then there is no need of CPHS_MAX_CSP2 */  
+  UBYTE  max_csp_size = CPHS_MAX_CSP*2 + 1;
+  UBYTE  max_csp2_size = CPHS_MAX_CSP*2 + 1;
+  T_ACI_RETURN ret;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("queatPercentCPINF()");
+  ret = qAT_PercentCPINF ((T_ACI_CMD_SRC)srcId, 
+                          &phase, 
+                          &sst, 
+                          csp, 
+                          csp2, 
+                          &max_csp_size, 
+                          &max_csp2_size);
+  if (ret NEQ AT_CMPL)
+  {
+    if (max_csp_size > 0)
+    {
+      TRACE_EVENT_P1("Buffer for CSP is too small ! needed: %d", max_csp_size);
+    }
+    if (max_csp2_size > 0)
+    {
+      TRACE_EVENT_P1("Buffer for CSP2 is too small ! needed: %d", max_csp2_size);
+    }
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_Unknown);
+    return(ATI_FAIL);
+  }
+  if ( max_csp_size > 0 )
+  {
+    if ( max_csp2_size > 0 )
+    {
+      sprintf(g_sa, "%s: %d,\"%04X\",\"%s\",\"%s\"", "%CPINF",phase, sst, csp, csp2);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      sprintf(g_sa, "%s: %d,\"%04X\",\"%s\"", "%CPINF",phase, sst, csp);
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    sprintf(g_sa, "%s: %d,\"%04X\"", "%CPINF", phase, sst);
+  }
+  io_sendMessage((UBYTE)srcId, g_sa, ATI_NORMAL_OUTPUT);
+  return(ATI_CMPL);
+#endif /* FF_ATI_BAT */
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)              MODULE  : ACI_CMD            |
+| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : atPercentCPMB      |
+  PURPOSE : %CPMB: query mailbox numbers
+GLOBAL T_ATI_RSLT setatPercentCPMB(CHAR *cl, UBYTE srcId)
+  SHORT rec_id;
+  cl = parse(cl, "r", &rec_id);
+  if (cl EQ NULL)
+  {
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_OpNotAllow);
+    return ATI_FAIL;
+  }
+#ifdef FF_ATI_BAT
+  {
+  T_BAT_cmd_send cmd;
+  T_BAT_cmd_set_percent_cpmb my_bat_set_percent_cpmb;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("setatPercentCPMB() calls bat_send() <=== as APPLICATION");
+  memset(&my_bat_set_percent_cpmb, 0, sizeof(my_bat_set_percent_cpmb));
+  cmd.ctrl_params = BAT_CMD_SET_PERCENT_CPMB;
+  cmd.params.ptr_set_percent_cpmb = &my_bat_set_percent_cpmb;
+  my_bat_set_percent_cpmb.record_id = rec_id;
+  bat_send(ati_bat_get_client(srcId), &cmd);
+  return ATI_EXCT; /* executing, because response is passed by callback function */
+  }
+#else /* OLD FUNCTION BODY */
+  {
+  T_CPHS_LINES line;
+  T_ACI_TOA_TON ton;
+  T_ACI_TOA_NPI npi;
+  UBYTE         toa;
+  CHAR cvtd_text[4*CPHS_MAX_MB_ALPHA_LEN];
+  USHORT len_cvtd=0;
+  USHORT pos=0;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("setatPercentCPMB()");
+  ret = qAT_PercentCPMB((T_ACI_CMD_SRC)srcId, (UBYTE)rec_id, &line, number, &ton, &npi, alpha_id, NULL);
+  if (ret NEQ AT_CMPL)
+  {
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_Unknown);
+    return(ATI_FAIL);
+  }
+  /* check if empty mb entry */
+  if (number[0] EQ '\0')
+  { /* do not send to ATI */
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_NotFound);
+    return(ATI_FAIL);
+  }
+  toa = ( ( ( ton << 4 ) & 0xF0 ) + ( npi & 0x0F ) ) | 0x80;
+  utl_chsetFromSim(
+    (UBYTE *)alpha_id,
+    (USHORT)strlen(alpha_id),
+    (UBYTE *)cvtd_text,
+    sizeof(cvtd_text),
+    &len_cvtd,
+    GSM_ALPHA_Def);
+  pos=sprintf(g_sa,"%s: %d,%d,\"%s\",%d,", "%CPMB", rec_id, line, number, toa);
+  pos+=sprints(g_sa+pos,cvtd_text,len_cvtd);
+  io_sendMessage((UBYTE)srcId, g_sa, ATI_NORMAL_OUTPUT);
+  return(ATI_CMPL);
+  }
+#endif /* no FF_ATI_BAT*/
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)              MODULE  : ACI_CMD            |
+| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : queatPercentCPMB   |
+  PURPOSE : %CPMB?: query mailbox numbers
+GLOBAL T_ATI_RSLT queatPercentCPMB(char *cl, UBYTE srcId)
+#ifdef  FF_ATI_BAT
+  T_BAT_cmd_send cmd;
+  T_BAT_no_parameter dummy;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("queatPercentCPMB() calls bat_send() <=== as APPLICATION");
+  cmd.ctrl_params=BAT_CMD_QUE_PERCENT_CPMB;
+  dummy.bat_dummy=0xFF;
+  cmd.params.ptr_que_percent_cpmb=&dummy;
+  bat_send(ati_bat_get_client(srcId),&cmd);
+  return ATI_EXCT; /* executing, because response is passed by callback function */
+#else /* FF_ATI_BAT */
+  char *me="%CPMB: ";
+  T_ACI_RETURN    ret;
+  UBYTE           first;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("queatPercentCPMB()");
+  /*
+  *   Call the corresponding ACI function.
+  */
+  ret=qAT_PercentCPMB((T_ACI_CMD_SRC)srcId,(UBYTE)ACI_NumParmNotPresent,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,&first);
+  /*
+  *   If the query completes successfully, build and send the
+  *   answer.
+  */
+  if (ret EQ AT_CMPL)
+  {
+    sprintf(g_sa,"%s%d",me,first);
+    io_sendMessage(srcId, g_sa, ATI_NORMAL_OUTPUT);
+  }
+  return (map_aci_2_ati_rslt(ret));
+#endif /* FF_ATI_BAT */
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)              MODULE  : ACI_CMD            |
+| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : atPercentCPMBW     |
+  PURPOSE : %CPMB: write mailbox numbers
+#ifndef FF_ATI_BAT
+  CHAR   *p_number;
+  T_CPHS_PB_TEXT  cvtdText;     /* holds text converted to SIM alpha */
+  T_ACI_TOA  toa;               /* holds the type of record */
+  T_ACI_RETURN ret;
+  UBYTE index; /* for parsing failure analysis */
+  CHAR    alpha_id[CPHS_MAX_MB_ALPHA_LEN] = {0x00};
+  USHORT  len_alpha_id = 0;   
+  USHORT  lenCvtd      = 0;         /* holds length of converted text */
+  T_CPHS_PB_TEXT *p_text = NULL;    /* holds pointer to converted text */
+  SHORT      toa_val =  0;  /* holds type of record value */
+  SHORT      rec_id  = -1;  /* holds index of record */
+  T_ATI_SRC_PARAMS *src_params = find_element (ati_src_list, srcId, search_ati_src_id);
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("setatPercentCPMBW()");
+  /* initialize */
+  memset(number,0,sizeof(number));
+  /***********************************************/
+  /*** prepare parameters and test their range ***/
+  /***********************************************/
+  /* parse command string */  
+  cl = parse(cl,"rsrz",
+              &rec_id,
+              (LONG)CPHS_MAX_MB_NUMBER_LEN,
+              number,
+              &toa_val,
+              (LONG)CPHS_MAX_MB_ALPHA_LEN,
+              strlen(cl),
+              cl,
+              &len_alpha_id,
+              alpha_id);
+  /* Throw error if parsing has been failed */
+  if (!cl)
+  {
+    TRACE_ERROR("ERROR: parsing failed !");
+    /* analyse error component of input */
+    index = get_parse_index(); /* get the problematic component */
+    switch (index)
+    {
+      case 3:   /* component 2 is the number */
+        cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_DialToLong);
+        break;
+      case 5:   /* component 4 is the alpha tag */
+        cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_TxtToLong);
+        break;
+      default:
+        cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_OpNotAllow);
+        break;
+    }
+    return ATI_FAIL;
+  }
+  /* test if values are in correct ranges */
+  if ( rec_id >= CPHS_MAX_MB_ENTRIES) /* phonebook index is greater than max. */
+  {
+    TRACE_ERROR("ERROR: phonebook index is greater than max possible index of SIM");
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_InvIdx);
+    return ATI_FAIL;
+  }
+#ifdef FF_ATI_BAT
+  {
+    T_BAT_cmd_send cmd;
+    T_BAT_cmd_set_percent_cpmbw cpmbw;
+    int len;
+    cmd.ctrl_params = BAT_CMD_SET_PERCENT_CPMBW;
+    cmd.params.ptr_set_percent_cpmbw=&cpmbw;
+    cpmbw.record_id=(T_BAT_record_id)rec_id;
+    len=strlen(number);
+    if ((len<0) OR (len>BAT_MAX_CPMBW_NUMBER_LEN))
+    {
+      /*
+      *   Either the number wasn't present, or it was too big to
+      *   fit in the BAT message.
+      */
+      cpmbw.v_number=FALSE;
+      cpmbw.type=-1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      cpmbw.v_number=TRUE;
+      cpmbw.c_number=(U8)len;
+      memcpy(cpmbw.number,number,len);
+      cpmbw.type=(toa_val>0) ? toa_val:-1;
+    }
+    if ((len_alpha_id>0) AND (len_alpha_id<=BAT_MAX_CPMBW_TEXT_LEN))
+    {
+      cpmbw.v_text=TRUE;
+      cpmbw.c_text=(U8)len_alpha_id;
+      memcpy(cpmbw.text,alpha_id,len_alpha_id);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      /*
+      *   Either the alphanumeric data wasn't present, or it was
+      *   too big to fit in the BAT message.
+      */
+      cpmbw.v_text=FALSE;
+    }
+    bat_send(ati_bat_get_client(srcId),&cmd);
+    return(ATI_EXCT);
+  }
+#else /* OLD FUNCTION BODY */
+  /*
+  *   Initialise 'converted text'.
+  */
+  cvtdText.len = 0;
+  memset(cvtdText.data,0,sizeof(cvtdText.data));
+  /* extract type structure from type value */
+  if (toa_val > 0)
+  {
+    toa   = toa_demerge(toa_val);
+  }
+  /* translate alpha text to SIM */  
+  if ( len_alpha_id NEQ 0 )
+  {
+    srcId_cb = srcId;
+    utl_chsetToSim ((UBYTE*)alpha_id, len_alpha_id, (UBYTE*)cvtdText.data,
+                     &lenCvtd, GSM_ALPHA_Def);
+  }
+  /* set pointer for number */
+  if (number[0] EQ '\0') /* The number given is empty */
+  {
+    p_number = NULL;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    p_number = number;
+  }
+  /* when the text and the number are both empty, set p_text to NULL */
+  if (lenCvtd EQ 0 AND p_number EQ NULL)
+  {
+    p_text = NULL;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    p_text = &cvtdText;
+    cvtdText.len = (UBYTE)lenCvtd;
+  }
+  /* write number into cphs mailbox number phonebook */
+  ret = sAT_PercentCPMBW((T_ACI_CMD_SRC)srcId, rec_id, number, &toa, p_text);
+  switch (ret)
+  {
+  case (AT_CMPL):                         /*operation completed*/
+    break;
+  case (AT_EXCT):
+    src_params->curAtCmd = AT_CMD_CPMBW;
+    break;
+  default:
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_Unknown);         /*Command failed*/
+    break;
+  }
+  return (map_aci_2_ati_rslt(ret));
+#endif /* no FF_ATI_BAT*/
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)              MODULE  : ACI_CMD            |
+| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : atPercentCPMBW     |
+  PURPOSE : %CPMB: test command 
+GLOBAL T_ATI_RSLT tesatPercentCPMBW(char *cl, UBYTE srcId)
+#ifndef FF_ATI_BAT
+  char           *me = "%CPMBW: ";
+  SHORT           first_idx = 0;
+  SHORT           last_idx  = 0;  
+  UBYTE           tlength   = 0;
+  UBYTE           nlength   = 0;
+  T_ACI_RETURN    ret = AT_FAIL;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("tesatPercentCPMBW");
+#ifdef FF_ATI_BAT
+  {
+    T_BAT_cmd_send cmd;
+    T_BAT_no_parameter dummy;
+    cmd.ctrl_params = BAT_CMD_TST_PERCENT_CPMBW;
+    dummy.bat_dummy = 0xFF;
+    cmd.params.ptr_tst_percent_cpmbw = &dummy;
+    bat_send(ati_bat_get_client(srcId), &cmd);
+    return(ATI_EXCT);
+  }
+  ret = tAT_PercentCPMBW((T_ACI_CMD_SRC)srcId,&first_idx,&last_idx,&nlength,&tlength);
+  if (ret EQ AT_CMPL)
+  {
+    sprintf(g_sa,"%s(%d-%d),%d,%s,%d",me,first_idx,last_idx,nlength,"(128-201)",tlength);
+    io_sendMessage(srcId, g_sa, ATI_NORMAL_OUTPUT);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_Unknown);
+  }
+  return (map_aci_2_ati_rslt(ret));
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)              MODULE  : ACI_CMD            |
+| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : atPercentCPCFU     |
+  PURPOSE : %CPCFU: call diverted flag status
+LOCAL T_ATI_RSLT query_indicator_flags(UBYTE srcId, T_CPHS_LINES queried_lines, T_ACI_AT_CMD indicator_type)
+  T_ACI_RETURN ret;
+  UBYTE        flag_set;
+  T_CPHS_LINES line             = CPHS_LINE_NULL,
+               set_line_bitmask = CPHS_LINE_NULL;
+  USHORT       i;
+  T_QUERY_INDICATOR_CMH_CPHS_FNC *cmh_query_ind_fnc = NULL;
+  CHAR         *cmd_name = NULL;
+  switch(indicator_type)
+  {
+  case(AT_CMD_CPCFU):
+    cmh_query_ind_fnc = qAT_PercentCPCFU;
+    cmd_name = "%CPCFU";
+    break;
+  case(AT_CMD_CPVWI):
+    cmh_query_ind_fnc = qAT_PercentCPVWI;
+    cmd_name = "%CPVWI";
+    break;
+  }
+  /* Provides flags for queried lines */
+  for(i=0; i<8*sizeof(T_CPHS_LINES); i++)
+  {
+    line = CPHS_LINE1 << i;
+    if ((line & queried_lines) EQ 0x00)
+    {
+      /* line has not been queried */
+      continue;
+    }
+    ret = cmh_query_ind_fnc((T_ACI_CMD_SRC)srcId, &flag_set, line)/*lint -e613*/;
+    if (ret NEQ AT_CMPL)
+    {
+      TRACE_EVENT_P1("query_indicator_flags error: %d", ret);
+      return(map_aci_2_ati_rslt(ret));
+    }
+    if (flag_set EQ CPHS_FLAG_ACTIVATED)
+    {
+      set_line_bitmask |= line;
+    }
+  }
+  if (set_line_bitmask NEQ CPHS_LINE_NULL)
+  {
+    sprintf(g_sa, "%s: %d,%d", cmd_name, CPHS_FLAG_ACTIVATED, set_line_bitmask);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    sprintf(g_sa, "%s: %d",cmd_name, CPHS_FLAG_DEACTIVATED);
+  }
+  io_sendMessage((UBYTE)srcId, g_sa, ATI_NORMAL_OUTPUT);
+  return(ATI_CMPL);
+| PROJECT : GSM-F&D (8411)              MODULE  : ACI_CMD            |
+| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : atPercentCPCFU     |
+  PURPOSE : %CPVWI: set/clear/query CFU flags
+  T_CPHS_LINES     i, 
+                   typed_lines  = NOT_PRESENT_16BIT,
+                   line;
+  SHORT            action;
+  T_ACI_RETURN     ret;
+  T_ATI_SRC_PARAMS *src_params = find_element( ati_src_list, srcId, search_ati_src_id);
+  cl = parse(cl,"rr", &action, &typed_lines);
+  if (cl EQ NULL)
+  {
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_OpNotAllow);
+    return(ATI_FAIL);
+  }
+  if (typed_lines EQ NOT_PRESENT_16BIT)
+  {
+    TRACE_EVENT("typed_lines omitted");
+    typed_lines = 0;
+    /* lines parameter omitted: Provides CFU flags for all lines */
+    for(i=0;i<8*sizeof(T_CPHS_LINES);i++)
+    {
+      line = CPHS_LINE1 << i;
+      if (cphs_line_makes_sense(line))
+      {
+        typed_lines |= line;
+      } 
+    }
+  }
+  TRACE_EVENT_P2("setatPercentCPCFU action: %d, lines: %d", action, typed_lines);
+  #ifdef FF_ATI_BAT
+  {
+  T_BAT_cmd_send cmd;
+  T_BAT_cmd_set_percent_cpcfu my_bat_set_percent_cpcfu;
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("setatPercentCPCFU() calls bat_send() <=== as APPLICATION");
+  memset(&my_bat_set_percent_cpcfu, 0, sizeof(my_bat_set_percent_cpcfu));
+  cmd.ctrl_params = BAT_CMD_SET_PERCENT_CPCFU;
+  cmd.params.ptr_set_percent_cpcfu = &my_bat_set_percent_cpcfu;
+  my_bat_set_percent_cpcfu.mode = action;
+  my_bat_set_percent_cpcfu.line = typed_lines;
+  src_params->curAtCmd = AT_CMD_CPCFU;
+  bat_send(ati_bat_get_client(srcId), &cmd);
+  return ATI_EXCT; /* executing, because response is passed by callback function */
+  }
+#else /* OLD FUNCTION BODY */
+  /******* QUERY ********/
+  if (action EQ CPHS_QUERY_CFU_FLAG)
+  {
+    return query_indicator_flags(srcId, typed_lines, AT_CMD_CPCFU);    
+  }
+  TRACE_FUNCTION("setatPercentCPCFU()");
+  /******* SETTING ********/
+  ret = sAT_PercentCPCFU((T_ACI_CMD_SRC)srcId, (UBYTE)action, typed_lines);
+  switch (ret)
+  {
+  case (AT_EXCT):
+    src_params->curAtCmd = AT_CMD_CPCFU;
+    break;
+  case (AT_BUSY):
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_SimBusy);
+    return(ATI_FAIL);
+  case (AT_FAIL):
+    cmdCmeError(CME_ERR_Unknown);
+    return(ATI_FAIL);
+  }
+  return(map_aci_2_ati_rslt(ret));
+#endif /* no FF_ATI_BAT*/
+#endif /* CPHS_C */