diff src/ui3/bmi/mmiMain.h @ 421:6a4d9f47793e

src/ui3/bmi: file renames to make the case consistent
author Mychaela Falconia <falcon@freecalypso.org>
date Sun, 21 Jan 2018 03:28:53 +0000
parents src/ui3/bmi/MmiMain.h@e8ddbb0837ed
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/ui3/bmi/mmiMain.h	Sun Jan 21 03:28:53 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+#ifndef _DEF_MMI_MAIN_H_
+#define _DEF_MMI_MAIN_H_
+          CONDAT (UK)
+ This software product is the property of Condat (UK) Ltd and may not be
+ disclosed to any third party without the express permission of the owner.
+ $Project name: Basic MMI
+ $Project code: BMI (6349)
+ $Module:   MMI
+ $File:       MmiMain.h
+ $Revision:   1.0
+ $Author:   Condat(UK)
+ $Date:       25/10/00
+ Description:
+    This provides the root mofule for the basic MMI
+ $History: MmiMmi.h
+  25/10/00      Original Condat(UK) BMI version.
+       Jun 09, 2006 REF:OMAPS00079650  a0393213 (R.Prabakar)
+       Description : CPHS Roaming indication feature implementation
+       Solution     : As part of the implementation, in this file, type of GlobalIconStatus is changed       
+ $End
+                    Type definitions
+#include "mfw_cphs.h"
+#include "MmiResources.h"
+#define PROMPT(x, y, a, id) dspl_TextOut(x, y, a|DSPL_TXTATTR_CURRENT_MODE, (char*)MmiRsrcGetText(id))
+#define ALIGNED_PROMPT(x_a, y, a, id) displayAlignedPrompt(x_a, y, a, id)
+#define GET_TEXT(id) MmiRsrcGetText( id )
+#define ETRACE(str) \
+{   char buf[64];##str##;\
+  TRACE_EVENT(buf);}
+#define FTRACE(str) \
+{   char buf[64];##str##;\
+  TRACE_EVENT(buf);}
+/* typedefs */
+typedef enum {
+typedef enum
+    LEFT,
+    RIGHT,
+typedef enum {
+typedef enum {
+} ClockFormats;
+/*MC SPR 1725 removed date and clock definition*/
+#define MAX_LINE 14
+#define POS_BEGIN 0
+#define POS_END 1
+#define MAX_LINE 14
+#define EDITOR_SIZE 41
+                                       /* GLOBAL DATA              */
+extern UBYTE editControls [KCD_MAX];
+extern LngInfo mainLngInfo;             /* language control block   */
+extern MfwHnd mainMmiLng;               /* global language handler  */
+                                        /* PROTOTYPES               */
+void mainInit (UBYTE InitCause);
+void mainExit (UBYTE InitCause);
+void setClockFormat(UBYTE format);
+// Issue Number : MMI-SPR-12159 on 07/04/04 by Rashmi C N and Deepa M D
+// change by Sasken ( Rashmi C N  and Deepa M D) on April 07th 2004
+// Bug : The AM PM for 12 hour fomrat was not being shown
+// Solution : Added the following function to get the current time format from flash
+UBYTE getClockFormat(void);  // RAVI
+/*SPR 1725, removed getClockString(), Clockset() and DateSet() function headers*/
+void showCLOCK(void);
+void showDATE(void);
+/*SPR 1442 obsolete function*/
+//void truncateString(char* strDest,char* strOrig,unsigned int truncLength,int pos,char* trunChar);
+void displayAlignedText( T_MMI_ALIGN x_alignment, USHORT y_lineNum, UBYTE attrib, char* string );
+void displayAlignedPrompt( T_MMI_ALIGN x_alignment, USHORT y_lineNum, UBYTE attrib, int string_id);
+void mainShutdown(void);
+extern char stringTrace[50];
+/* Battery and Signal Status */
+#define GlobalNothingIconFlag     0x00
+#define GlobalBatteryIconFlag     0x01
+#define GlobalSignalIconFlag      0x02
+#define GlobalSMSIconFlag       0x04
+#define GlobalVoiceMailIconFlag     0x08
+#define GlobalCallForwardingIconFlag  0x10
+#define GlobalSilentRingerIconFlag    0x20
+#define GlobalKeyplockIconFlag      0x40
+#define GlobalRingerIconFlag      0x80
+#define GlobalVibratorIconFlag      0x100
+#define GlobalRingVibrIconFlag      0x200
+#define GlobalAlarmIconFlag         0x400
+#define GlobalCipheringActivIconFlag       0x800
+#define GlobalCipheringDeactivIconFlag       0x1000
+/* SH 18/01/02.  Indication for GPRS */
+#define GlobalGPRSOnIconFlag				0x2000
+/* SPR877 - SH - Indication for Homezone */
+#define GlobalHomezoneIconFlag				0x4000
+    #ifndef GlobalHomezoneIconFlag				
+        #define GlobalHomezoneIconFlag				0x4000
+    #endif
+/* SPR#1352 - SH - TTY indication */
+#define GlobalTTYIconFlag					0x8000
+/* end SH */
+/*  Jun 09, 2006 REF:OMAPS00079650  a0393213 (R.Prabakar) */     
+#define GlobalRoamingIconFlag					0x10000
+/*    Jun 09, 2006 REF:OMAPS00079650  a0393213 (R.Prabakar)
+       Description : CPHS Roaming indication feature implementation
+       Solution     : As part of the implementation, in this file, type of GlobalIconStatus is changed       */
+extern U32 GlobalIconStatus;
+extern T_MFW_CFLAG_STATUS DivertStatus;
+/* It could be helpful to check the      */
+/* global status where the user is :     */
+/* It is also possible to be in several  */
+/* status  !                             */
+#define ModuleIdle       0x001  /*in Idle Screen           */
+#define ModuleCall       0x002  /*in during a call         */
+#define ModuleInCall     0x004  /*in Incoming call         */
+#define ModuleMenu       0x008  /*in Menu                  */
+#define ModulePhon       0x010  /*in Phonebook             */
+#define ModuleSms        0x020  /*in SMS                   */
+#define ModuleBattLow    0x040  /*in Battery Status < 5%   */
+#define ModuleSAT        0x080  /*in Sim Toolkit, like Idle*/
+#define ModuleAlarm      0x100  /*in Organiser Alarm       */
+#define ModuleFax        0x200  /*in Fax/Data              */
+#define ModuleDialling   0x400  /*in Dialling state      */
+extern int MmiModule;
+void MmiModuleSet (int modul); /* Set the status where the user is       */
+void MmiModuleDel (int modul); /* Delete the status where the user was   */
+/* Settings status*/
+#define SettingsAnyKeyAnswerOn      0x01
+#define SettingsAutoAnswerOn      0x02
+#define SettingsKeyPadLockOn      0x04
+#define SettingsKeypadClick       0x08
+#define SettingsKeypadDTMF        0x10
+#define SettingsSilentMode        0x20
+#define SettingsCBDisable			0x80	/* SPR 2470 0x80- disable CB display 0-display CB */
+//extern USHORT settingsStatus;
+#define GlobalBatteryLesser5     1
+#define GlobalBatteryGreater5    2
+#define GlobalBatteryFull        3
+extern UBYTE globalBatteryMode; /*  */
+extern UBYTE globalBatteryPicNumber;
+extern UBYTE globalSignalPicNumber;
+#define GlobalTimeout1sec     0x03e8         /* 1 second for flash the battery icon  */
+#define GlobalTimeout2min     0x01d4c0       /* 2 min for battery beep  */
+#define GlobalTimeout15min    0x0dbba0       /* 15 min for battery beep  */
+void editActivate (MfwHnd e,int AlphaMode);
+void editHiddenActivate (char *buffer);
+void editDeactivate (void);
+int editEventKey (MfwEvt e, MfwKbd *k);
+MfwHnd activeEditor(void);
+// sbh - functions for format mode (WAP)
+void setFormatPointers (char *format, int *index, int *index2);
+void editCharFindNext(char character);
+int editFindPrev(void); // RAVI
+/* Added to remove warning Aug - 11 */
+extern UBYTE getcurrentSMSTone(void);
+#endif  /* NEPTUNE_BOARD */
+/* End - remove warning Aug - 11 */
+/*NM p032
+this flag indicate when the TEST SIM
+is inserted*/
+extern UBYTE test_sim;