diff src/cs/services/dar/dar_diagnose.c @ 0:945cf7f506b2

src/cs: chipsetsw import from tcs211-fcmodem binary blobs and LCD demo files have been excluded, all line endings are LF only
author Mychaela Falconia <falcon@freecalypso.org>
date Sun, 25 Sep 2016 22:50:11 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/cs/services/dar/dar_diagnose.c	Sun Sep 25 22:50:11 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+/*                                                                          */
+/*  File Name:  dar_diagnose.c                                              */
+/*                                                                          */
+/*  Purpose:   This function contains the DAR diagnose functions            */
+/*                                                                          */
+/*                                                                          */
+/*  Version   0.1                                                           */
+/*                                                                          */
+/*  Date                 Modification                                       */
+/*  ------------------------------------                                    */
+/*  18 October 2001    Create                                               */
+/*                                                                          */
+/*  Author     Stephanie Gerthoux                                           */
+/*                                                                          */
+/* (C) Copyright 2001 by Texas Instruments Incorporated, All Rights Reserved*/
+#include "rv/rv_defined_swe.h"
+#ifdef RVM_DAR_SWE
+   #ifndef _WINDOWS
+     #include "timer/timer.h"
+   #endif
+   #include "rv/rv_general.h"
+   #include "rvm/rvm_gen.h"
+   #include "rvm/rvm_priorities.h"
+   #include "dar/dar_api.h"
+   #include "dar/dar_structs_i.h"
+   #include "dar/dar_env.h"
+   #include "rvf/rvf_target.h"
+   #include "dar/dar_const_i.h"
+   #include "dar/dar_macro_i.h"
+   #include "dar/dar_messages_i.h"
+   #include "dar/dar_error_hdlr_i.h"
+   //#include "rvf/rvf_i.h"
+   /**** Global variables ****/
+   /* Define a pointer to the Global Environment Control block   */
+   extern T_DAR_ENV_CTRL_BLK *dar_gbl_var_p;
+   /********************************************************************************/
+   /* Function         dar_search_group                                            */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /* Description      This function checks if the use_id group_nb exists:         */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /********************************************************************************/
+   T_RV_RET dar_search_group(UINT16 group, UINT8 *index_p)
+   {
+      /* Declare local variables */   
+      UINT8 i=0;
+      /* Check if the DAR entity is started */
+      if (dar_gbl_var_p != NULL )
+      {
+         /* Search in the dar_filter_array if the group exists */
+         for (i=0;i< DAR_MAX_GROUP_NB; i++)
+         {
+            if(dar_gbl_var_p->dar_filter_array[i].group_nb == group)
+            {
+               *index_p=i;
+               //DAR_SEND_TRACE_PARAM("dar filter_array index",*index_p,RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW);
+               return(RV_OK);
+            }
+         }
+         return(RV_NOT_SUPPORTED);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         return(RV_NOT_READY);
+      }
+   }
+   /********************************************************************************/
+   /* Function         dar_add_group                                               */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /* Description      This function research the index of the first free group    */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /********************************************************************************/
+   T_RV_RET dar_add_group(UINT8 *index_p)
+   {
+      /* Declare local variables */
+      UINT8 i=0;
+      /* Check if the DAR entity is started */
+      if (dar_gbl_var_p == NULL )
+      {
+         dar_error_trace(DAR_ENTITY_NOT_START);
+         return(RV_NOT_READY);
+      }
+      /* Search in the dar_filter_array the first free group */
+      for (i=0;i< DAR_MAX_GROUP_NB; i++)
+      {
+         if(dar_gbl_var_p->dar_filter_array[i].group_nb == DAR_INITIALIZATION_VALUE)
+         {
+            *index_p=i;
+            return(RV_OK);
+         }
+      }
+      return(RV_NOT_SUPPORTED);
+   }
+   /********************************************************************************/
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /*    Function Name:   dar_send_write_data  								                     */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /*    Purpose: This function is called to send write data in the DAR mailbox    */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
+   /*        Pointer to the message to store                                       */
+   /*        Data Format,                                                          */
+   /*        Data level,                                                           */
+   /*        Data Use Id,                                                          */  
+   /*                                                       											 */                                                      
+   /*    Output Parameters:                                                        */
+   /*        Validation of the function execution.								                 */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /*    Note:                                                                     */
+   /*        None                                                                  */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /********************************************************************************/
+   T_RV_RET dar_send_write_data (  T_DAR_INFO    *buffer_p,
+                                   T_DAR_FORMAT  format,
+                                   T_DAR_LEVEL   diagnose_info_level,
+                                   T_RVM_USE_ID  dar_use_id)
+   {
+      /* Declare local variables */
+      T_RVF_MB_STATUS      mb_status         = RVF_GREEN;
+      T_DAR_WRITE_START   *write_data_p      = NULL;
+      /************************** dar_send_write_data **********************/
+      if (dar_gbl_var_p != NULL )
+      {
+         /* allocate the memory for the message to send */
+         mb_status = rvf_get_buf (dar_gbl_var_p->mb_dar,
+                                  sizeof (T_DAR_WRITE_START),
+                                  (T_RVF_BUFFER **) (&write_data_p));
+         /* If insufficient resources, then report a memory error and abort.*/
+         if (mb_status == RVF_YELLOW)
+         {
+            /* deallocate the memory */
+            rvf_free_buf((T_RVF_BUFFER *)write_data_p);
+            dar_error_trace(DAR_ENTITY_NO_MEMORY);
+            return (RV_NOT_SUPPORTED);
+         }
+         else
+         if (mb_status == RVF_RED)
+         {
+            dar_error_trace(DAR_ENTITY_NO_MEMORY);
+            return (RV_MEMORY_ERR);
+         }
+         /* fill the message id         */
+         write_data_p->os_hdr.msg_id = DAR_WRITE_REQ;
+         /* fill the addr source id     */
+         write_data_p->os_hdr.src_addr_id = dar_gbl_var_p->addrId;
+         /* fill the message parameters */
+         write_data_p->data_write.char_p              = buffer_p ;
+         write_data_p->data_write.data_format         = format;
+         write_data_p->data_write.level               = diagnose_info_level;
+         write_data_p->data_write.use_id.group_nb     = (dar_use_id>>16)& 0x7FFF;
+         write_data_p->data_write.use_id.mask         = (dar_use_id)&0xFFFF;
+         /* send the messsage to the DAR entity */
+         rvf_send_msg (dar_gbl_var_p->addrId, 
+                       write_data_p);
+         return (RV_OK);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+          return(RV_NOT_READY);
+      }
+   } /* dar_send_write_data */
+   /********************************************************************************/
+   /* Function         dar_reset                                                   */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /* Description      This function is used to reset the system                   */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
+   /*        None                                                                  */  
+   /*                                                       											 */                                                      
+   /*    Output Parameters:                                                        */
+   /*        Validation of the function execution.							                   */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /*    Note:                                                                     */
+   /*        None                                                                  */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /********************************************************************************/
+   T_RV_RET dar_reset(void)
+   {
+      #ifndef _WINDOWS
+         /* Declare global variable*/
+         volatile UINT16 *register_p;
+         volatile UINT8   i;
+         /* enable the Watchdog timer */
+         TM_EnableWatchdog();
+         /* Reset the system with the Watchdog */
+         /* initialize the adress of the watchdog timer pointer */
+         register_p = (volatile UINT16 *)WATCHDOG_TIM_MODE;
+         /* Write the 0xF5 value to the Watchdog timer mode register to disable the Watchdog*/
+         /* Note the bit 15 must be unchanged ( bit 15 = 1 -> 0x8000)*/
+         *register_p =0x80F5;
+         /* Wait a couple of time to be sure that this register has a new value */
+         for (i=0;i<100;i++);
+         /* After having received 0xF5 in the Watchdog timer mode register, if the */
+         /* second write access is differennt from 0xA0, ARM core is reset         */
+         /*   The ARM HW core is reset + branch to adress 0x0000 ( SW reset)       */
+         *register_p=0x80F5;
+         /* Wait until the ARM reset */
+         while(1);
+      #endif
+      return(RV_OK);
+   } /* dar_reset */
+   /********************************************************************************/
+   /*                                                                              */     
+   /* Function         dar_read_mbox                                               */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /* Description      Called by the dar to read a buffer from its mailboxes.      */
+   /*                  when the Operating System is out                            */
+   /* Input Parameters:                                                            */
+   /*        None                                                                  */  
+   /*                                                       							  */                                                      
+   /* Output Parameters:                                                           */
+   /*        NULL if the mailbox was empty, else the address of a buffer           */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /********************************************************************************/
+   void * dar_read_mbox (UINT8 mbox)
+   {   
+      // void * p_buf	= NULL;
+      // T_RVF_INTERNAL_BUF * p_hdr;
+      /* Verify if DAR's global struct was set by RVM, then read the mailbox */
+      if (dar_gbl_var_p != NULL )
+	  return rvf_read_addr_mbox (dar_gbl_var_p->addrId, mbox);
+      return NULL;
+      // Check if the DAR entity is started 
+      /*if (dar_gbl_var_p != NULL )
+      {
+         if ( OSTaskQFirst[dar_gbl_var_p->addrId][mbox] )// if the chained list is not empty 
+         {   
+            p_hdr = OSTaskQFirst[dar_gbl_var_p->addrId][mbox];
+            OSTaskQFirst[dar_gbl_var_p->addrId][mbox] = p_hdr->p_next;
+            p_hdr->p_next = NULL;
+              RVF_SET_BUF_UNLINKED(p_hdr);	// change buffer status 
+            #endif
+            p_buf = (UINT8 *)p_hdr + sizeof(T_RVF_INTERNAL_BUF);
+         }
+      }
+      return (p_buf); */
+   } // dar_read_mbox 
+   /* ******************************************************* */
+   /*            THE DAR ENTITY IS DISABLED                   */
+   /* ******************************************************* */
+   #ifndef _WINDOWS
+	   #include "config/swconfig.cfg"
+	   #include "config/sys.cfg"
+       #include "config/chipset.cfg"
+       #include "timer/timer.h"
+   #endif
+   #include "rv/rv_general.h"
+   #include "rvm/rvm_gen.h"
+   #include "rvm/rvm_priorities.h"
+   #include "rvf/rvf_target.h"
+   //#include "rvf/rvf_i.h"
+   /* Define the Watchdog timer register mode */
+   #define WATCHDOG_TIM_MODE                           (0xFFFFF804)
+   /********************************************************************************/
+   /* Function         dar_reset                                                   */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /* Description      This function is used to reset the system                   */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
+   /*        None                                                                  */  
+   /*                                                       	 				   */                                                      
+   /*    Output Parameters:                                                        */
+   /*        Validation of the function execution.							       */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /*    Note:                                                                     */
+   /*        None                                                                  */
+   /*                                                                              */
+   /********************************************************************************/
+   T_RV_RET dar_reset(void)
+   {
+      #ifndef _WINDOWS
+         /* Declare global variable*/
+         volatile UINT16 *register_p;
+         volatile UINT8   i;
+         /* enable the Watchdog timer */
+         TM_EnableWatchdog();
+         /* Reset the system with the Watchdog */
+         /* initialize the adress of the watchdog timer pointer */
+         register_p = (volatile UINT16 *)WATCHDOG_TIM_MODE;
+         /* Write the 0xF5 value to the Watchdog timer mode register to disable the Watchdog*/
+         /* Note the bit 15 must be unchanged ( bit 15 = 1 -> 0x8000)*/
+         *register_p =0x80F5;
+         /* Wait a couple of time to be sure that this register has a new value */
+         for (i=0;i<100;i++);
+         /* After having received 0xF5 in the Watchdog timer mode register, if the */
+         /* second write access is differennt from 0xA0, ARM core is reset         */
+         /*   The ARM HW core is reset + branch to adress 0x0000 ( SW reset)       */
+         *register_p=0x80F5;
+         /* Wait until the ARM reset */
+         while(1);
+      #endif
+      return(RV_OK);
+   } /* dar_reset */
+#endif /* #ifdef RVM_DAR_SWE */