diff src/gpf3/inc/pco_view_framesupp.h @ 2:c41a534f33c6

src/gpf3: preened GPF goo from TCS3.2
author Mychaela Falconia <falcon@freecalypso.org>
date Sun, 25 Sep 2016 23:52:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gpf3/inc/pco_view_framesupp.h	Sun Sep 25 23:52:50 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+|  Project :  PCO2
+|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG 
+|                 All rights reserved. 
+|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
+|                 Instruments Berlin, AG 
+|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey 
+|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to 
+|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in 
+|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of 
+|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. 
+|  Purpose :  This Modul contains a viewer class derived directly from the
+|             core.
+|             It supports decoding of frame SYST_MESSAGEs and of LTS-Header/
+|             TIF-ASCII-DATA-messages.
+|             It is still intended to be specialized and extended, e.g. in 
+|             GUI-server-applications.
+|             Some member functions are totally virtual without any 
+|             standard body and have to be provided by the child class !
+/*==== INCLUDES ===================================================*/
+#include "pco_view_core.h"
+#include "view/pco_view_core.h"
+#ifdef USE_CCD
+extern "C" 
+#include "ccdtable.h"
+#include "ccddata.h"
+#include "ccdedit.h"
+#include "view/pco_pdi.h"
+#endif /* USE_CCD */
+#include <time.h>
+/*==== DEFINES =====================================================*/
+/*==== PROTOTYPES ==================================================*/
+/*==== CLASSES =====================================================*/
+class PCOView_frameSupp : public PCOView_core
+  PCOView_frameSupp(const char* ini_file, int& err,
+                    const char* primq_name="", 
+                    const char* ctrlq_name="");
+  virtual ~PCOView_frameSupp();
+  /*
+  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | PROJECT : PCO2                       MODULE  : PCO_VIEW_FRAMESUPP                   |
+  | STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : PCOView_frameSupp::interpret_message |
+  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    PURPOSE : here interpretation of received raw data takes place
+              (has to be implemented by derived classes !)
+    PARAMS:   buffer  .. raw data to be interpretated
+              bufsize .. size of buffer
+              data    .. actual data
+              size    .. size of data
+              id      .. id of data message
+              index   .. index of data message (e.g. in logfile) ... 0 means no index!!
+              ttype   .. type of time stamp - see PCO_TTYPE_XXX constants
+              time    .. time stamp 
+              sender  .. name of sender
+              receiver.. name of original receiver
+    RETURNS:   0 .. success
+              -1 .. interpretation was not possible
+  */
+  virtual int interpret_message(void* buffer, U16 bufsize, 
+    void* &data, U16 &size, ULONG &id, ULONG& index, ULONG& ttype, U32 &time, 
+    char* &sender, char* &receiver);
+  /*
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | PROJECT : PCO2                       MODULE  : PCO_VIEW_FRAMESUPP              |
+  | STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : PCOView_frameSupp::on_connected |
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    PURPOSE : reaction to PCO_CONNECTED from server
+    PARAMS:   buf   .. data containing server type
+              sender .. server queue name
+    RETURNS:   0 .. server type supported
+              -1 .. server type not supported
+  */
+  virtual int on_connected(const void *buf,const char* sender);
+  /*
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | PROJECT : PCO2                       MODULE  : PCO_VIEW_FRAMESUPP                    |
+  | STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : PCOView_frameSupp::decode_tracestring |
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    PURPOSE : tries to decode an OPC in the tracestring (e.g. $<OPC>)
+    PARAMS:   instr  .. original tracestring
+              size   .. max size for outstr
+    RETURNS:   0 .. success (outstr contains new tracestring)
+              -1 .. no success while decoding
+              -2 .. no decoding necessary
+              lastOPC .. in case of success contains last opc found in instr
+  */
+  int decode_tracestring(const char* instr, char* outstr, U16 size, ULONG &lastOPC);
+  /*
+  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | PROJECT : PCO2                       MODULE  : PCO_CTRL_FRAMESUPP                 |
+  | STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : PCOView_frameSupp::check_version   |
+  +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    PURPOSE : tries to request the version of a running stack via the server
+              -> will result in a SYST-trace starting with '&'
+    PARAMS:   
+    RETURNS:  0 .. sucess
+              -1 .. Server not found
+              -2 .. error while contacting Server 
+  */
+  int check_version();
+  /*
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | PROJECT : PCO2                       MODULE  : PCO_CTRL_FRAMESUPP                    |
+  | STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : PCOView_frameSupp::check_communication|
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    PURPOSE : tries to send a system primitive to the running stack via the server
+              -> will result in SYST-traces if communication is ok
+    PARAMS:   
+    RETURNS:  0 .. sucess
+              -1 .. Server not found
+              -2 .. error while contacting Server 
+  */
+  int check_communication();
+  /*
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | PROJECT : PCO2                       MODULE  : PCO_VIEW_FRAMESUPP                    |
+  | STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : PCOView_frameSupp::decode_ccd_msg     |
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    PURPOSE : tries to decode a given encoded air message
+    PARAMS:   decinfo     ... T_PDI_CCDMSG stuct (see pdi.h),
+                              contains the coded sdu and info about, e.g., msg-type
+              decoded_msg ... buffer which will receive the decoded struct
+    RETURNS:  ccdOK, ccdWarning .. sucess
+              ccdError          .. error while decoding
+  */
+  int decode_ccd_msg(const void* decinfo, UBYTE **decoded_msg);
+  /*
+  +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | PROJECT : PCO2                       MODULE  : PCO_VIEW_FRAMESUPP                  |
+  | STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : PCOView_frameSupp::free_ccd_msg     |
+  +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    PURPOSE : frees a msg structure previously allocated using decode_ccd_msg
+    PARAMS:   decoded_msg ... buffer with decoded air message structure
+    RETURNS:  
+  */
+  void free_ccd_msg(void * decoded_msg);
+  /*
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | PROJECT : PCO2                       MODULE  : PCO_VIEW_FRAMESUPP                    |
+  | STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : PCOView_frameSupp::load_str2ind_table |
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    PURPOSE : tries to explicitely load a str2ind-table
+    PARAMS:   tname ... name of .tab-file
+    RETURNS:  0  .. sucess
+              -1 .. error while loading
+  */
+  int load_str2ind_table(const char* tname);
+  /*
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | PROJECT : PCO2                       MODULE  : PCO_VIEW_FRAMESUPP              |
+  | STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : PCOView_frameSupp::on_inichange |
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    PURPOSE : reloads important changes from ini-file
+    PARAMS:   
+  */
+  virtual void on_inichange();
+  /*
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | PROJECT : PCO2                       MODULE  : PCO_VIEW_FRAMESUPP              |
+  | STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : PCOView_frameSupp::self_trace   |
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    PURPOSE : adds a new trace string to the queue of this viewer
+    PARAMS:   
+  */
+  virtual void self_trace(const char* trace);
+  /*
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | PROJECT : PCO2                       MODULE  : PCO_VIEW_FRAMESUPP              |
+  | STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : PCOView_frameSupp::send_syscmd  |
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    PURPOSE : tries to send a FRAME system command to the server 
+              who will forward it to a connected protocol stack
+    PARAMS:   receiver ... receiver of the command
+              cmd      ... the actual command (e.g. "TRACECLASS FF") 
+    RETURNS:  0 .. sucess
+              -1 .. Server not found
+              -2 .. error while contacting Server 
+  */
+  int send_syscmd(const char* receiver, const char* cmd);
+  /*
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | PROJECT : PCO2                       MODULE  : PCO_VIEW_FRAMESUPP              |
+  | STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : PCOView_frameSupp::init_ccddata |
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    PURPOSE : initialize ccddata from the given path
+    PARAMS:   ccddata_path ... path of the ccddata library
+                               (if NULL path will be loaded from ini-file)
+              force        ... 0..keep ccddata-lib loaded if there is one
+                               1..exchange evtl. existing ccddata-lib 
+              write        ... 1..write new path to ini file if force is 1
+                               0..dont write new path to ini file 
+    RETURNS:  0 .. success
+             -1 .. error
+  */
+  int init_ccddata(const char* ccddata_path=NULL, 
+                   int force=0, int write=1);
+  /*
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | PROJECT : PCO2                       MODULE  : PCO_VIEW_FRAMESUPP              |
+  | STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : PCOView_frameSupp::exit_ccddata |
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    PURPOSE : deinitializied ccddata 
+    PARAMS:   
+    RETURNS:  0 .. success
+             -1 .. error
+  */
+  int exit_ccddata();
+  /*
+  +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | PROJECT : PCO2                       MODULE  : PCO_VIEW_FRAMESUPP                  |
+  | STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : PCOView_frameSupp::collect_pdi_data |
+  +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    PURPOSE : run through primitive top-level elements and call pdi_getDecodeInfo to 
+              collect all potential infos for decoding an evtl. contained aim
+    PARAMS:   prim_data        ... data of primitive
+              filterinfo_data  ... data that holds filter info for the primitive
+              handle           ... open handle for parsing the primitive
+    RETURNS:  
+  */
+  void collect_pdi_data(const char* prim_data, const char* filterinfo_data, T_CCDE_HANDLE handle);
+  /*
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | PROJECT : PCO2                       MODULE  : PCO_VIEW_FRAMESUPP              |
+  | STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : PCOView_frameSupp::elem_present |
+  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    PURPOSE : check if element is present in specified primtive
+    PARAMS:   filterinfo_data  ... data that holds filter info for the primitive
+              filterinfo_value ... buffer to receive filter info data for current element
+              handle           ... open handle for parsing the primitive
+              desc             ... current descriptor for parsing the primitive
+    RETURNS:  1  ... present
+              0  ... not present
+              -1 ... error while calling read_elem
+  */
+  int elem_present(const char* filterinfo_data, char* filterinfo_value, T_CCDE_HANDLE handle, T_CCDE_ELEM_DESCR desc);
+  /*
+  +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | PROJECT : PCO2                       MODULE  : PCO_VIEW_FRAMESUPP                  |
+  | STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : PCOView_frameSupp::decode_pcon_prim |
+  +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    PURPOSE : if necessary tries to decode the given primitive using PCON
+    PARAMS:   opc          ... primitive opc
+              coded_prim   ... data of original prim
+              decoded_prim ... buffer which will point to the decoded prim
+              decoded_len  ... length of decoded_prim buffer (without evtl. pointed to data areas)
+              filterinfo_prim
+                           ... buffer which will be evtl. filled with a filterinfo shadow prim
+                               containing only 0x00-s or 0xff-s per element
+                               (in default case a NULL pointer is returned)
+              errstr       ... will be filled with an error string in case of PCON error 
+                               (if NULL, no string will be written, 
+                                otherwise a buffer with min 500 bytes has to be provided!)
+    RETURNS:  PCON_OK       .. PCON sucessfully applied
+              PCON_NOT_PRES .. PCON was not necessary
+              PCON_XXX      .. error occured during PCON operation (see constants in pcon.h) 
+  */
+  int decode_pcon_prim(ULONG opc, void * coded_prim, void ** decoded_prim, ULONG * decoded_len,
+                       void ** filterinfo_prim, char* errstr=NULL);
+  /*
+  +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | PROJECT : PCO2                       MODULE  : PCO_VIEW_FRAMESUPP                  |
+  | STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : PCOView_frameSupp::free_pcon_prim   |
+  +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    PURPOSE : frees a primitive previously allocated using decode_pcon_prim
+    PARAMS:   decoded_prim ... buffer with decoded prim
+    RETURNS:  
+  */
+  void free_pcon_prim(void * decoded_prim);
+  int pcon() const { return m_pcon;}
+  int set_pcon(int pcon);
+  bool ccddata_loaded(const char* ccddata_path=NULL); 
+  const char* ccddata_path() const;
+  const char* ind2str_dir() const { return m_ind2str_dir;}
+  void set_ind2str_dir(const char* dir);
+  int ind2str_loaded() const { return m_ind2str_loaded;}
+  int unload_str2ind_table();
+  void cancel_str2ind_search() { m_str2ind_continue_search=false;}
+  long ind2str_version() const { return m_ind2str_version;}
+  const char* ind2str_file() const { return m_ind2str_file;}
+  static long read_elem_save (T_CCDE_HANDLE     * handle,
+                              void              * cstruct,
+                              T_CCDE_ELEM_DESCR * edescr,
+                              UBYTE             * value);
+  static USHORT prim_first_save (T_CCDE_HANDLE      * phandle,
+                                 ULONG                primcode,
+                                 char               * name);
+  static USHORT prim_next_save (T_CCDE_HANDLE      *phandle,
+                                UBYTE               descent,
+                                T_CCDE_ELEM_DESCR  *pdescr);
+	time_t  m_str2ind_time;
+  bool    m_show_str2ind_errors;
+	char    m_ind2str_dir[MAX_PATH+1];
+  int     m_ind2str_loaded;
+  char    m_ind2str_file[MAX_PATH+1];
+  long    m_ind2str_version;
+  bool    m_ccddata_attached;
+  char    m_tracestr_buf[DATA_MSG_MAX_SIZE+1];
+  bool    m_str2ind_continue_search;
+  int     m_pcon;
+  void  (*m_ccddata_init_notify)(void); 
+  void  (*m_ccddata_exit_notify)(void); 
+#endif /* _PCO_VIEW_FRAMESUPP_H_ */